You're Not Helping: Cooper Claims Compliance Was Aware of Violations

Submitted by Geaux_Blue on

In something straight out of the Bizarro episode of Sealab 2021 (yeah, what other blog are you going to get that reference?), former coach John Cooper claims Ohio State's Compliance Department must have been aware of violations and did nothing about it:



“Compliance is not doing their job when this kind of stuff happens and they act like they don’t know about it. When I was coaching over there, compliance was around everywhere. It’s almost like they were trying to find us violating a rule."

Dear Ohio State: You're doing it wrong.

Edit: Come to think of it, this kind of looks like John Cooper



May 31st, 2011 at 11:40 PM ^

"The idiot-ash storm that buried Columbus after the volcano finally blew", but I can't keep up with it. Every day, it's another Buckeye who seems ot have no idea how PR works.

Quite simply:

Tressel should have announced  Tat-5 stuff as soon as he became aware.

He did not, so:

Tressel should have announced Tat-5 stuff as soon as he was first asked about it.

He did not, so:

Tressel should have announced Tat-5 stuff before signing a paper saying he had no knowldege of anything.

(I maintain this is because compliance told him "don't say anything", but I digress)

He did not, so:

The AD should have appologized, inflicted the program with reasonable penalties, and thrown open th edoors to compliance during a full division reorg.

He did not, so:

Every other Buckeye with a program attachment should shut up and hope the "Keep your trap shut" defense works.

But they're not, so:

We laugh. And laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.


June 1st, 2011 at 12:23 AM ^

John Cooper's great.

Think about it though: if he was losing while running a clean program and the guy they hired that got so much instant success the instant he left was cheating the whole time, which is all true, then he should be pretty upset.


June 1st, 2011 at 12:47 AM ^

any of this to be possible.

No freaking way.

It's already a major shit storm today, but it's really early and matters are only going to worsen once more witnesses are interviewed, and staff, players and coaches are implicated.

And Gordon Gee....a glorious return to OSU with nothing but controversy his rear view at Brown and Vandy, and now this?  Holy crap.  "Who woulda thunk it?".


June 1st, 2011 at 6:24 PM ^

When Andy Katzenmoyer had to take ridiculous summer courses to regain eligibility. While I agree with what Coop said, he's hardly in a position to cast stones at Tressel. Maybe he's bitter that compliance did their job and continued to catch him trying to cheat, while with the Vest they just turned the other way. Or maybe that was another way in which the Vest was better than Cooper.


June 1st, 2011 at 10:14 AM ^

The Cooper stuff is good, but what's really damning is the old footage of Tressel and Smith confidently talking about how it's "limited" and whatnot is gold.