Gucci Mane

January 31st, 2016 at 6:18 PM ^

As someone who has experience sneaking into concert venues, I say go for it ! Some advice, look casual and when you find an opporuntiy go for it 100%. If you are going in a main door know that you have a high probability of getting caught, but just tell them you heard it was a free event ( which it is ). 


January 31st, 2016 at 6:18 PM ^

Damn it I didn't reserve tickets and now they are not available. I guess it's for the best I have a meeting at work on Wednesday that would probably be bad if I missed.

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January 31st, 2016 at 8:17 PM ^

Can we ask for certain additions & activites?

1. Steve Everitt - with Viking horn hat

2. Body Slamming Luuu Houltshhh (said in Lou Holtz voice) ~ done by... Ric Flair

3. John Kolesar ~ because he is a meta-human

4. Samantha Findlay ~ you know, softball and stuff

5. the ghost of Robert Pormann Ufer ~ his soul is Meeechigan 

Maybe if we start an online petition, we can augment the awesome of this event.

This is unbelieve and awesome.

Go Blue!!!!