OT / SIAP- Oregon debuts new "Oregon Trail" uniformz

Submitted by Wolverine In Exile on

So OregoNike Almagomated has gone one step beyond anything else in terms of uniformz. Oregon is unveiling new "Oregon Trail" uniforms featuring Lewis, Clark, and the Oregon Duck on the helmets. Two thoughts:

1) I'm surprised inthe current social climate that Oregon consented to guns being on the helmet, especially since Lewis & Clark weren't exactly known as trailblazing rilfemen. EDIT: I guess that's a spyglass, not a rifle??

2) Whenever I see "Oregon Trail" I always go back to the #1 lesson I learned from it, reinforced from my prior job where I worked with a super smart dude of Creek heritage: ALWAYS PAY THE INDIAN.




October 5th, 2015 at 11:15 AM ^

Honestly, this is just "meh." It's not ugly, it's not cool, it's not crazy. The logo is fine, but it's something I'd expect to see designed by a tourism board. It doesn't bother me, but it has no hook to it either. FWIW while the image appears to be a scope, consistent with the "exploration/vision" theme of the design, Lewis & Clark most certainly did carry a significant quantity of arms with them and made use of them with some frequency.


October 5th, 2015 at 12:14 PM ^

See, it was cholera that always went through my party like wildfire, so the basic lesson would be not to drink from the same rivers in which your family just crapped - not that you had control over that part of the simulation anyway, and indeed, the seedier, more personal aspects of trail life seemed to be overlooked. 

Anyway, does this mean a halftime elk hunt? Do yor skip the funeral for one of your oxen at the expense of party morale? So many possibilities here. 


October 5th, 2015 at 12:15 PM ^

Man, I had my hopes up for computer game themed unis. Honestly I got really excited for a second there. Also, any reason for this uni? An historical anniversary coming up, or just because they felt like it?

Wolverine In Exile

October 5th, 2015 at 3:05 PM ^

OREGONOFFENSE has a broken MARIOTA. You have no spare MARIOTAs in the wagon. Do you?

A) Attempt to trade for a new MARIOTA with other pioneers passing by?

B) Walk back to the previous fort to buy a new MARIOTA?

C) Attempt to mend the MARIOTA with a VERNON in the wagon?

> C

Your attempt failed. You must wait until other pioneers are willing to trade with you.


October 5th, 2015 at 12:38 PM ^

Oregon is a true circus program. Look no further than their stupid jersey changes every week or their coach who constantly has that look of insanity on his face.