
June 3rd, 2010 at 8:13 PM ^

if it's true, but the guy is 99. Lets have reasonable excpetations on quality of life and life span.  Not even BO made out of his 70's and he was made of twisted blue steel and whatnot.


June 3rd, 2010 at 8:27 PM ^

I have read all his books.  I love the old school coaches that talked about the team ahead of individual goals (Just like Bo).

Great man and coach. R.I.P.


June 3rd, 2010 at 8:36 PM ^

The Washington Post has already run the headline that he's gone, but I want to see something substantial from the L.A. area before I put something here. I don't know how the hell a Washington DC paper would know anything before the locals do.

Steve Lorenz

June 3rd, 2010 at 11:18 PM ^

A true legend. I've been in LA the last few months taking a class at UCLA and I actually stopped in the Wooden Center last week and there's a big mural of his "Pyramid of Success" ( on the wall in there. Inspiring and a refreshing outlook in life to say the least. RIP. 

Who negs a comment like this? Fuck whoever did. 

Indiana Wolverine

June 3rd, 2010 at 9:11 PM ^

but the top result on Googler says he has passed away.  As a coach, I'd be honored to be one tenth of the man that he was much less the coaching aspect.  I don't think the guy gets the credit that he deserves which is pretty impressive considering he's revered by everyone that meets him.  I can't recall I've ever heard anything negative about the man.


June 3rd, 2010 at 9:13 PM ^

What a shame.  I tend to think that once you hit 90, dying has to be taken as something to be pretty much expected at some point, but that didn't stop me from being one of the two million or so grown-ass men choking up at Ernie Harwell's passing.  So if this is true, condolences to the Wooden family and UCLA fanbase, who can hardly be blamed for thinking he'd be around forever.


June 3rd, 2010 at 9:12 PM ^

The Washington Post is the only media source that I've seen that is reporting his death. However, I think they're starting to backtrack a bit, too.


June 3rd, 2010 at 9:53 PM ^

Apparently, according to ESPN and Co., Coach Wooden might as well be home eating Bon Bons. Absolutely nothing from them at all, at least on the TV side. Nothing on the ticker, nothing on the side bar on ESPNews about him being in grave condition, nothing.


EDIT: And as of 9:50 pm, nothing on the website, either. This is poor.


June 3rd, 2010 at 9:57 PM ^

Think about this: When he retired in the mid-'70s he was already at the typical retirement age (65).  I wonder what an actuary would have given him then?  85, maybe?  He got a good hand of (DNA) cards.


June 3rd, 2010 at 10:39 PM ^

I use to live in Indianapolis and worked security at Conseco Fieldhouse.  One year Wooden was at his namesake basketball tournament: the Wooden Classic and I got to spend a day with him watching the games and driving him around in a golf cart.  One of the best experiences I have ever had.  He was genuine and down to earth.  Even all his family from L.A. were very down to earth.  Great family


June 3rd, 2010 at 11:02 PM ^

I am proud to be a fellow Purdue alum with Mr. Wooden. He hasn't passed yet, but I pray he will make it out of this, but that does not appear to be the case. He has lived a long and great life and was one of the greatest leaders of all time. 


June 3rd, 2010 at 11:39 PM ^

I got a chance to interview him in 1993 for about an hour and it was the fastest hour of my life. I think I asked maybe two questions about basketball...the rest of the time was just me sitting at his feet asking about life, former players, etc.

He was doing a clinic for FCA, I think. We were in the middle of nowhere (not even a town, just a fire district). I was in college and he took mercy on a budding journalist. It was in the middle of June, so it wasn't like I was working on a feature or anything. The "interview" request was basically just an excuse to talk to him.

He was as gentle and thoughtful in real life as he was in all of the clips you see of him.


June 4th, 2010 at 12:06 AM ^

I've read his books. He earned everything he has in the truest sense; he turned down a free ride at Purdue and worked his way through school while playing basketball. Just a very, very admirable man who always did things the right way and had a unique style of coaching. One of the most deserving HoF players/coaches in any sport, all-time, in my humble opinion.

Big Shot

June 4th, 2010 at 12:31 AM ^

FWIW, Sportscenter just said he is still alive and the reports saying he has passed are erroneous.  However, they are reporting that he is in grave condition and things aren't looking good for Mr. Wooden.


June 4th, 2010 at 2:33 AM ^

A true legend. Very few people have had the success in their respective fields that John Wooden has had. Hopefully he makes it out of this okay. Those of you who mentioned having the chance to speak with Y'all have no idea how lucky you are.


June 4th, 2010 at 8:44 AM ^

Coach Wooden is such a legend, he will live on in the lives of the people he has touched. Many feelings come to the fore when I think of him; hope, inspiration, and wisdom,  just to name a few. What an impression he has left upon the world! I sense the world becoming a little bit darker with each passing moment that his life becomes dimmer...