Fringe OT: Weird food combos you love

Submitted by UMProud on

What food combo do you love that makes people look at you funny?


Behold the peanut butter & banana sandwich...

Winchester Wolverine

February 23rd, 2017 at 8:58 PM ^

I was at work one day, carrying a casual conversation with a few buddies and some new guy. I don't remember how it got where it did, but the new guy mentioned showering with his swimtrunks on. No one asked why... We just laughed uncomfortably and I avoided him ever since. I just imagine guys like that doing strange things like.... dipping hotdog buns in milk perhaps. And killing people.


February 23rd, 2017 at 8:46 PM ^

I used to dip doritos in yogurt and icecream when I was younger.

Also, my old boss would eat mayonnaise and black olives mixed together like it was icecream... and he would get all 18 toppings on his pretzel when it was pretzel day