Someone on scout is claiming OSU fans claimed 5000 Signing of the Stars tickets

Submitted by Maizen on

Aside from this being one of the saddest things I've ever read the cooler poopers doing, does anyone know if this is true or if the AD is aware? I don't really understand the idea of tickets in the first place, but this sounds like a problem especially if there are still Michigan fans out there who want to attend but now can't.

I now have photo proof that Buckeyes are getting tickets to Signing of the Stars. One of them posted a screen shot of their ticket order for 208 bragging about it and others have done it as well for a total of close to 5000, trying to make the event empty. Is there anyone on here I could send the proof to that could look into this matter?


January 21st, 2017 at 1:23 PM ^

Or buying all the Sparty jerseys in Ohio. They'd believe the fact that their jerseys were selling like hotcakes would mean that people were finally starting to respect them. However, once we destroy their souls at the Big House, we will then donate said Sparty jerseys to Spartan fans leaving the stadium for fire starter for their couches.


January 21st, 2017 at 1:18 PM ^

Does anybody else see the comedic brilliance in this? I bleed blue but that is a delicious level of savagery I haven't tasted in quite some time. This rivalry.


January 21st, 2017 at 1:51 PM ^

I was considering amending my policy, and actually considering buying gas in Ohio on my next road trip. This is an outrage! Hence, Continue Use of Bathrooms only Ohio Policy. Understood Now!

Perkis-Size Me

January 21st, 2017 at 2:02 PM ^

That's actually kind of funny. But I don't think I'd be willing to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars of my own money just to spite another school and get a moment or two of personal satisfaction.

But hey, whatever floats your boat.

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The Fan in Fargo

January 21st, 2017 at 2:04 PM ^

Yeah I would let the public around there know that if there are empty seats at the start of the event, then come on in and get that rumor out that the sleezy buckeye fans would do something like this. Even to start the rumor about 5000 and show a few tickets being bought is so pathetic. I honestly believe they are that stupid to not realize what they are doing. They are so obsessed and scared for the return of their plummet back to average. It's so great!!


January 21st, 2017 at 2:36 PM ^

This doesn't make sense. Why would they buy the tickets but then not come? The truly complete sabotage they seek could only occur if they come and disrupt the event. So, this is probably a hoax

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January 21st, 2017 at 3:15 PM ^

They are doing this so it is empty I have a screen shot of 208 Tickets they reserved that was posted bragging about it. The total number they are claiming to have got is almost 5000, 4900 and some. I can't upload the picture but if you look up @FieryBuckeye on twitter you will see the ticket order he posted confirming it. Others are doing it as well preventing actual fans to be able to attend. If someone tells me how to upload a picture on here I would I just have no idea how.


January 21st, 2017 at 9:00 PM ^

Harbaugh needs to be informed of this. Then can follow up with a tweet :

"Wow I have just found out over 5000 OSU fans want to come to our signing of the stars! "

What more would need to be said after that ?