Most Trustworthy Users

Submitted by MGoLow on

When reading threads about various rumors or inner workings of the school, there are certain users that claim to "know people" or have some sort of inside knowledge. I'm just curious, besides the mods, are there any users on this site that have been "vetted" and we can confirm as being "in the know?" Essentially, I want to know who you listen to and who you ignore. 


February 17th, 2016 at 1:34 PM ^

Many of you don't trust anyone. Me? I trust a lot of the stuff I read here. I trust different people at different times.

  • Proprietors. Brian, Ace, Seth. They generally know what is going on.
  • Professionals. Sam Webb, Tim Sullivan, Tom VH, a few others.
  • Obsessives. WD is pretty good on trivia stats from the past.
  • Magnus. Of course he is wrong on occasion. But usually he knows the scoop and gives decent analysis.
  • Coaches. Space Coyote. There are a couple of others out there who post less frequently, but always have good insight.
  • Friends of recruits, etc. Canzior gave some great insider stuff on Da'Shawn Hand, who eventually went to Alabama. (Curses. He would have come to Michigan if Harbaugh was here. Maybe.) Anyway, Canzior's infrequent posts were some of the best.

This last category is very interesting.

  • There are people who have a connection to someone personally, or run into someone personally, and share those stories. Canzior was one of my favorites. I myself went to one of the coach meet and greet things, and got a lot of great information from Laura Hoke. Really a sweetheart of a woman, and that was the only post I put up that provided info rather than speculation. It was from Laura that I found out more about Old Miss and Treadwell's recruitment (and when Michigan and Treadwell mutually parted ways).
  • The other kind of insider has a connection to the program, and has to be more careful. If you are a user who is a local report (Angelique, or Snyder) or if you are a staffer at Schembechler Hall, or if you are related to Harbaugh, or if you are friends with the Regents, you have to be pretty circumspect about your connection. Or it gets cut off. Or the poster puts up too much info. One time when I had first joined the board, maybe 7 years ago, someone put up information about their brother, who was on the team. I was able to connect the dots and figure out who it was. Too much info was put on the board, and the mods ended up editing it to protect privacy.

There was a small brouhaha a year or two back when some idiot wanted to come up with a new Michigan pump up song. Brian was so irritated he outed the guy, but that didn't do over too well with some in the mgocommunity.

I also have to admit I am curious how many connected users are here. Reporters from the News and Freep, guys on the team, family members of guys on the team, alumni of the team, John Bacon, coaching staff, former coaching staff, AD staff, regents and staff, recruiting blogs staff, etc. I have to believe that they stay in touch with the blog to see what the fanbase is thinking, to find out what the rumors are, to quell rumors, etc. I wonder how often insiders put out bad or false info for the purpose of throwing fans and others off the scent. I guess all is fair in love and war, but I could believe that plenty of bad intel is planted by some of you who really know what is going on. I've never been a conspiracy theory nut, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen now and again.


February 17th, 2016 at 6:49 PM ^

Most trustworthy? Me, and here's why:

1. I don't know shit.

2. I'll be the first to admit it.

3. I'll prove it to you at every opportunity.

Now if you can't trust someone who's so unflinchingly honest about his own stupidity, then I just don't know what to do with you people.