
September 13th, 2015 at 4:28 PM ^

Chris was best man at my wedding!!! Great guy! But that was back in 1978. Must be another Chris. I'd give him a chance but would like to see if we could get the number 1 tight end in the nation first. Butt I was impressed with Bunting also, so we're in great shape with our tightends. LOL


September 13th, 2015 at 5:54 PM ^

I live here in LA and like I've said before on this board it's been the Clark show since he got here. He cares more about the campus lifestyle that comes with playing at a big D1 school w smoking ass hot chicks. He has been a fixture at all parties all the time he has banged more broads in the last few months then some here on this board will get in there whole life. He got mono, he parties and he's not focused. He blew it when he told Michigan no thanks! Now he sees the TE at Michigan getting a shitload of balls thrown his way and he's a opportunity. Screw him


September 13th, 2015 at 6:11 PM ^

What a pussy! We do not want anyone who transfers from another program! Low character! Drama queen!  

There. Now, as a 41 year old man, I feel better about myself. Now I'm off to grab some bud light and a carton of neopolitan and watch some sundy night football in my tank top and boxer shorts. I am so much better than this Clark kid I can't get over myself.  


September 13th, 2015 at 8:05 PM ^

I made so many stupid decisions when I was 18-20 years old, and I think I turned out okay. Having a mentor like Harbaugh in this kids life would be priceless.

Albeit, I think he needs to be able to play next year. Count this year as a transfer. Anyone know if thats possible?


September 13th, 2015 at 8:57 PM ^

is a players coach and more of a advocate who knows just what these guys are going through. Training camp could be more difficult at UCLA than it is at UM but I would not believe its much worse. I guess I could also assume Clark is feeling like this is hardest training camp he has ever been a part of. I'm sure he would be right in saying that this training camp IS the hardest one he has been a part of. I would almost guarantee the rest of the freshman are getting homesick too. Well, college football training camp is not fun or even comparable to high school at any university in the country.