John U. Bacon: "You're killing the fanbase, David Brandon!" (Paraphrased with liberties)

Submitted by boliver46 on

Mr. Bacon has written quite a bit about why Ticket Sales have been flagging.  As I, myself, have recently been offered a "deal" on single-game tickets, I love reading Mr. Bacon's salvoes over Brandon's bow:

This fall Michigan is in danger of breaking its string of 251 consecutive games with 100,000-plus paid attendance, which started in 1975.

And then this gem:

After Brandon became Michigan's 11th athletic director in 2010, he often repeated one of his favorite lines: "If it ain't broke ... break it!" You have to give him credit: He has delivered on his promise.


Happy Monday Mr. Brandon!  Special Delivery for you, direct from the desk of John U. Bacon!


June 24th, 2014 at 11:09 AM ^

to 1964 is out of context considering the previous decade of losing seasons and mediocrity. Contrary to what many would like to believe, ordinary fans don't have prescience so rationally based their ticket purchases in 1964 based upon Michigan's past peformance.  

  • 1963    3-4-2
  • 1962    2-7
  • 1961    6-3
  • 1960    5-4
  • 1959    4-5
  • 1958    2-6-1

Given the records over the previous six seasons I don't think it unreasonable for ordinary fans to believe that 1964 would be more of the same.  Moreover, the program returned to its losing ways in 1965.  Even the magical year of 1969 wasn't great, the win over OSU was great but the losses to Missouri and MSU were more of the same, and the RB loss was very painful.  So it is little wonder that it took five or so very good to excellent seasons before ticket sales matched stadium capacity.  IMO, ticket sales for 2014 should be looked at in the context of 2008-2013 rather than as an isolated season.

Band day, we were on the schedule for Band Day, I think any case that 25 year tradition, started 18 years before Canham became AD, stopped the season we were supposed to attend.  Another tradition wiped out by Don Canham to make way for the almighty dollar.


June 24th, 2014 at 11:57 AM ^

Band day has been credited to Canham.  From DB's blog "Canham ... Band Day was just one of his ingenious ideas. He brought high school musicians -- and their parents, of course -- into Michigan Stadium to help create a special day of entertainment and Wolverine football."  But I stand corrected as Wikipedia has it starting in the late 1940's.

I do think in season performance affects sales, but not season ticket sales for sure.  You don't think winning brings more fans into the stadium that season?  Or that losing causes no shows?

"wiped out by Don Canham to make way for the almighty dollar."  Band Day was created to fill emply seats, once there were no longer 20,000 free seats for crappy games, it went away.

I do agree there is an attendance lag effect for on field performance both good and bad, but that can be exacerbated by price actions.




June 23rd, 2014 at 10:37 PM ^

I think it's fair to publish on SI what he put on the blog. This was stuff siphoned off from his big article in HTTV that covers all the parties to college football and what they're looking for and getting.


June 26th, 2014 at 10:16 AM ^


Maybe a better explanation is in order: his article in HTTV is about how the wants of the administrators (more money), the players (fairness), and fans (all this stuff) is putting too much strain on college football, and then suggests a way to compromise and save the sport for everybody. The part where he was outlining what the fans want was getting HUGE. So he siphoned much of that section into an article on his blog that he references in the article. Like an idiot I turned down the opportunity to have it published on MGoBlog (cause I didn't want to take away from HTTV) and SI jumped on it.

So the HTTV article is still pretty fresh, though you'll recognize parts from this article and from Fourth and Long, and from Three and Out, and from where he references MGoBlog, because all of those things are part of the big story.

Mr. Yost

June 23rd, 2014 at 10:54 PM ^

Is if everyone truly understood the role of a D1, FBS, Major 5, Athletics Director in 2014. Not when Canham, Schembechler, or Martin were AD...but now. Compare Brandon to current to CURRENT ADs. Not ADs of the past. Doing that is never going to get anyone anywhere. It's just a completely different time. Just like comparing football teams from different eras gets you no where. Or coaches. Bo Schembechler the coach could've and probably would've struggled in this era that we're in. Not just on the field, but all the off-field shit too. Maybe not, but to compare him to someone from today is kinda silly. It's so easy/lazy prove your point using history when nothing truly matches up except the title of the position and the university. Compare Brandon to Gene Smith. To ADs at UF, Texas, North Carolina, USC, and Notre Dame.


June 24th, 2014 at 9:43 AM ^

"It's just a completely different time.

Just like comparing football teams from different eras gets you no where. Or coaches.

Bo Schembechler the coach could've and probably would've struggled in this era that we're in. Not just on the field, but all the off-field shit too. Maybe not, but to compare him to someone from today is kinda silly."

So things change.  I guess JFK and Lincoln would suck as Presidents today.  I believe people who perfomed well in the past have the capability to adjust and perform well today.  I agree that comparing atheletes from different eras does not work perfectly, but administrators and coaches?  I think in general top people would do well regardless of era.  I think you could drop Canham and Schembechler in today and they would do just fine.



June 24th, 2014 at 1:44 PM ^

Given JFK's personal indiscretions, health issues, etc, the modern media would have a field day with him. Probably wouldn't be a great president in this era. Some questions as to whether he really was all that great in his own (got us started in Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, and the Cuban Missile Crisis, while often considered his finest hour, occurred at least in part because Khrushchev perceived Kennedy as weak).


June 23rd, 2014 at 11:14 PM ^

There are two issues some on here like to keep blaming Brandon for. One isn't his fault and one is in line with the history of this storied program. 1) student attendance decline. This is happening across the country in both football and basketball. Dave Brandon is no more responsible for it at Michigan than Coach K is at Duke or Nick Saban at Alabama. If students are getting priced out across the board and that is the true reason they show less interest, than fine, blame all of the AD's. Please remember, Brandon wants to fill those seats just as much as you want them filled. 2) scheduling App St. There used to be pride around the Michigan fan base that Michigan had a losing record to very few other programs. Part of the whole winningest mystic. Guess what Michigan's record is against App St? 0-1. I for one would like to get that to at least 1-1, if not 2-1. There is only one way to do that. Suck it up for being in this position in the first place, deal with the media attention (which will mean nothing after week one anyway), and cheer for a win to start the season. I for one applaud Brandon's effort to get rid of that 0-1 in the record book and boo anyone that puts their prissy personal pride before the program. I say Michigan should go beat the shit out of Wesleyan while they are at it.

Kermits Blue Key

June 24th, 2014 at 11:22 AM ^

There's nothing self-loathing about using a past failure as motivation and a reminder not to take future obstacles for granted - it's actually quite healthy. We could beat App State 50 times and OSU/State fans will still bring that loss up. It's now a part of our program whether we like it or not.

But, hey, if beating up on weaker opposition makes you feel better, have at it.


June 23rd, 2014 at 11:28 PM ^

has any idea who the average Michigan season ticket holder even is. Brandon may have helped people take a second and third look at renewals but he didn't start it. You want to know what started this slide? The Rodriguez era. The bad record, the lack of identity with his style, the busted bowl streak, the NCAA investigation, etc. THAT'S WHEN PEOPLE LOST THEIR CONNECTION. Add higher prices and a bad economy with all of that and you get a spiral. Since Bacon seems to have some empathy for Rodriquez he seems to miss this component in his rush to keep stabbing Brandon.


June 24th, 2014 at 9:57 AM ^

People love to kiss Bacon's ass too. I don't get it, because he is no better than Drew Sharp. He says off the wall bullshit to sell junk. The tickets are high and selling like normal on Stub Hub too.


June 24th, 2014 at 12:04 AM ^

I dislike Dave Brandon.  But Bacon's article, outside of the student stuff, which is probably dead on, is ridiculous.  TV timeouts and altered kick-off times for national/regional broadcasts have been happening for DECADES now and haven't had ANY effect on season ticket sales.  It's the fact that

A) This is the worst home schedule in probably 70 years


B)  The football program has utterly sucked since 2008


C)  The PSD has made the cost crazy

THAT is what is  keeping people away.

Improve the schedule, start winning or lower the PSD and your problem is gone.  Those are the 3 things that have changed that are the real issues (for non students).  All of the other stuff is just BS.  People will show up at noon 3:30, or 8 PM for good games and a winning team. 


June 24th, 2014 at 6:25 AM ^

So I keep asking, what is the point of raising all this money and what will they use it for?

To me, a 37% increase in the size of the budget and a 72% increase in administrator compensation answers the question at least partially, and not in a good way at all.  Having admin salaries increase at twice the pace of the budget (to say nothing of the 80% marketing and promotion increase) really lends a lot of fuel to the argument that people are making themselves rich off of this.


June 24th, 2014 at 11:49 AM ^

A thousand times this. Brandon's end-all, be-all fpr the athletic department seems to be "make as much money as possible". If he happens to improve the brand along the way it's only because that's the easiest way to achieve the goal. I don't get why he gets so much of a pass on that. If "winning will fix everything", why is it okay that he so focused on monetizing seat cushions and water bottles and marketing in and around the stadium, instead of on making the program better? Instead of making the fans more passionate (maybe by treating them like fans and not ATMs)?

At some point, dumping more money into facilities and salaries is just getting rich and gilding the lilly for the sake of doing it (and stroking DB's ego). The AD makes plenty of money. Yes, Michigan's teams should have everything they need - quality coaching, quality (not opulent) facilities, etc. But if it's a choice between fat bonuses, waterfalls in the locker room, and 2 million dollar glowing billboards for field hockey ads, or making things a bit more affordable for the common fan... That's apparently where we are now. I'd choose the fans, and any good AD should too. Brandon chooses the signs and paying himself.

If Brandon wants to run the AD as a for-profit corporation, then fine. Spin it off from the University, let it pay corporate taxes, and see how long it survives. If he wants it to be part of Michigan, he needs to recognize he's the steward of a public good and a century long tradition. The "shareholders" want great memories of fall weekends with their classmates and families, not a fatter bottom line.


June 24th, 2014 at 11:18 AM ^

When Michigan had, if not the most boring offense, near one of the most boring offenses they have ever put on the field.  I have to agree, near unwatchable so I just don't understand the fuss about that season.


June 24th, 2014 at 1:07 PM ^

In truth I didn't mind Michigan's offense that season, while boring it rarely turned the ball over and it did score points, at least 20 points every game.  Compare that to the 2008 offense that failed five times to score 20 points, and both the 2009 and 2010 seasons failed to score 20 points thrice each.

At the end of the day, all else being equal, boring wins trump exciting losses.


June 24th, 2014 at 12:41 PM ^

I swear, all Bacon does is whine about DB. I like Bacon, and he's a great writer, but his agenda is unbearable


June 24th, 2014 at 2:06 PM ^

If you treat your fans like customers long enough, eventually they'll start behaving that way, reducing their irrational love for their team to a cool-headed, dollars-and-cents decision to buy tickets or not, with no more emotional investment than deciding whether to go to the movies or buy new tires.

This goes to the seemingly largest debate on whether to continue supporting the program with the increased costs. Many say to continue to pay but, let's face it-customers will be customers when they feel they are going against the corporate man and his price gouging.