OSU Redditor attempts to discredit McMurphy

Submitted by njvictor on


Wanted to share this because it's hilarious. An OSU Redditor on r/CFB attempted to completely discredit Brett McMurphy by saying that McMurphy updating his report with accurate facts, without blatantly mentioning it, makes McMurphy's reporting inaccurate and thus means that Urban Meyer's answer during B1G Media Day wasn't technically lying

Mr Miggle

August 6th, 2018 at 1:06 PM ^

Even if completely correct, what does it mean? As far as I can tell, he's using his legal skills to try and confuse gullible Buckeyes. He's had his own editing issues. What's false is the hope he's giving them.

So it appears McMurphy showed some poor judgment with his edits. That's a knock against him, but a trivially minor point in terms of what OSU should do with Meyer.

The lawyer shows images of an initial police report and the revised version. He allows that McMurphy may have seen a third version. No kidding. When McMurphy is writing about the original report he clearly did not mean the one that the lawyer has. That initial report lists two misdemeanor offenses. They were upgraded to felonies with different names on the revised report. McMurphy's article listed the same felonies.

The Powell PD gave a vague reason for revising the report. They released it after Meyer's press conference. They could also release the previous version. Unanswered are when they revised it and why they needed to release a revised version at all.

Does this save Meyer? At best, the argument is that he didn't technically lie. That's not a fireable offense or a crime anyway. He admits to repeatedly giving misleading answers. That's not much better and it's still easy to argue that he did lie. The questions didn't mention an arrest. Most didn't mention the article. Some just asked about something happening in 2015. He said it was nothing. Actually it was a pretty big deal. The police spokesperson said they felt they had enough evidencefor charges, but the prosecutor declined to pursue it. 

It was terrible judgment. Obviously the story was already out and after the details were corrected it was still going to look bad. He compounded his problems by saying the story was part of the reason he fired Smith and then saying if he had known about in 2015, he would have fired him then. 

Well he did know. So did he mean he would have fired Smith if he was arrested in 2015? Well Smith was arrested on May 12 this year. He pled not guilty in June and had a court appearance on July 18 that was reported by the student paper. They confirmed their story with the team. Smith got fired the evening of McMurphy's first stories.

These issues of his conduct and judgment completely dwarf any thin distinctions between lying and misleading. McMurphy's edits are just a red herring.


August 6th, 2018 at 10:44 AM ^

Is this where I post TL:DR?

I don't have the attention span to read all his 'facts'.  I will wait for someone to post the Readers Digest version.  


August 6th, 2018 at 10:59 AM ^

This is why it was so difficult to give you people edit buttons. How do I know you're not going to use them to discredit an elite college football coach by forcing him to ignore the fact that his associate was a serial spousal abuser for 10 years until it was made public, then lie about it and call out the media before that too is proven to be a lie so he has to then recant and pretend he misspoke and issue a very transparent press release that puts his school in the position of either lying for him or firing him?

Edit buttons have serious power you guys.


August 6th, 2018 at 12:15 PM ^

I was just on 11 Warriors and their message boards are pretty consistent with Heywood's opinions.  They believe the redditor, believe Meyer reported it and think he'll be back immediately or after a couple of games because lying to the media isn't a crime AND he didn't lie to the media because there was no arrest.  

I thought there was other stuff that was supposed to come out.  Think it has to do with:


Carlos Hyde hits a woman and gets a three game suspension. 

Zach Smith situation.  

Zeke Elliott gets suspended for domestic violence in the pros his rookie season.  (Seems remote)


August 6th, 2018 at 2:51 PM ^

McMurphy responded to a troll on Facebook on allegations that he edited in bad faith:

“Bill, here you go:  I received the Powell Police Department original document from 2015 and reported the contents of the document on July 23, along with the 2009 Gainesville police arrest report and the domestic violence protection order, issued against Zach on July 20 - all of which were public documents. After my report on July 23, the Powell Police released a “revised report” the next day on July 24, that Zach was not arrested. I later spoke to the Powell Police Department and asked why a police official in 2015 would indicate Zach was arrested, and then three years later change his status to not arrested in 2018. Again, what I initially reported was an official Powell (Ohio) Police department document, like I reported an official police document from Gainesville when Zach was arrested in 2009. I was not aware of the change in his arrest status in the 2015 incident until the Powell Police released the “revised document” on July 24 and had changed Zach’s status from arrested to not arrested. After I noticed they had changed the arrest status, I contacted a spokesperson with the Powell Police Department (quoted in story below) and I also spoke to the Powell Police Chief, who had no real explanation why his department would report he was arrested in 2015 and then a revised report was changed to not arrested. The official explanation from the Powell Police was that the “terminology” had changed. 

After speaking to the Powell Police Chief, I edited my original story from July 23 and changed it, stating Zach was not arrested. I believe I made the change on July 24 (it may have been a different day, I don’t remember. I’m sure you can look at the edit history).

I wanted the information to be correct and that’s why I went in and changed it after the original report. I did not indicate on my story that there were any changes. However, in my Aug. 1 report (referenced below), I explained how the original arrest report status from 2015 was changed in the “revised” report from 2018 and included the Powell Police’s explanation”


August 7th, 2018 at 11:37 PM ^

No lies from anyone, you all must be mistaken, I have it from a reliable source it's all Trumps fault, the Urban is flawless, sinless and omnipresent.  After all the Ohio State Truth overwhelms all truth, but seriously it is a Trumps fault.