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I'm sure some people will…

I'm sure some people will enjoy these, but I wish I could just throw 20 bucks into a pool for the players and not get the cardboard shipped to me. Is that possible?

British comedy legend Alan…

British comedy legend Alan Bowman? Should be a great locker room guy.

"At OSU, every faculty and…

"At OSU, every faculty and staff member worships the football program."

I find this hard to believe. Faculty at OSU are drawn from the same pool of people who become faculty at UM. It's not easy to become tenure-track faculty anywhere, certainly not at OSU. Maybe the broader culture puts some pressure on faculty and staff there to go easy on athletes, but I can't imagine the difference is anything but subtle.

But maybe some here have more inside knowledge than I do.

I thought Wink Martindale…

I thought Wink Martindale was the guy from Let's Make a Deal?

Other teams are just as…

Other teams are just as likely to lose players due to positive Covid tests. It's a wildcard for every game.

I support this move.

I support this move.

Propping up an athletics…

Propping up an athletics budget that's long-term unsustainable would not be a good use of a university's endowment, however large.

Maybe a good idea in a few…

Maybe a good idea in a few years, once Howard is more established.

I like the areas a bit south…

I like the areas a bit south and east of the center. Check out the Testaccio markets. For great high-end dining, Restaurant of the Temple of Isis. Trastevere to hang out in the evenings. The Ghetto is good, too.

Let's make "Phil Martelli's…

Let's make "Phil Martelli's seen some things" a recurring feature, please.

The author, being a Mich…

The author, being a Mich alum, captures why being a fan of team like Michigan feels worse that it should. Our W-L record since Harbaugh is quite good, but we're in a second tier of teams for whom the playoff seems like it should be a reasonable goal, though in reality it's nearly unreachable, at least without a lucky break: even one loss makes it very hard, and one of the 3-4 super teams stands in our way every year.

I've seen it discussed here before, but maybe being a fan of a team like Iowa is more fun in this environment: your team is not expected to make the playoff; you can lose a game or two and still enjoy the wins, especially when you upset a big team; your team is good enough to contend for the conference title occasionally, but again it's not a sine qua non for feeling good about the whole enterprise.

Tattaglia's a pimp, he never Tattaglia's a pimp, he never could have outfought Santino.
I don't think you have your I don't think you have your conspiracy straight
What does the NYT have to do

What does the NYT have to do with anything?

What does the NYT have to do

What does the NYT have to do with anything?

Yeah, it almost as if people Yeah, it almost as if people who talk a lot about being tough are usually just full of shit. Who knew?
Maybe he needs to use more Maybe he needs to use more exclamation points
Sorry about "rant." But I do

Sorry about "rant." But I do think your historical account mixes some superficial facts with a number of half-truths.

But I'll try one more time to come to some understanding. You're right if your point is that racism, political violence, or white supremacy have not been confined historically to one side of the political spectrum. I would say that the Nazis, the KKK, et al. can be accurately categorized as right-wing, but that point of taxonomy shouldn't matter very much to us today (unless your're a political scientist, maybe). Thus it find it very worrisome that some commentators today in the US seem to be reluctant to condemn violent racists just because they'd have to take a break from hitting their preferred punching bags on the other side, whatever they call them (the left, Dems, BLM, and so on).

If there's any truth in your

If there's any truth in your rant it's that the left/right binary is too simplistic to be useful, and that the names of things are often very misleading (especially in politics).

Please don't reduce my earlier post to: LEFT GOOD, RIGHT BAD [caveman voice]. I'll rephrase:

There's no reason that Identifying with the contemporary US right should make anyone slow to denounce racism, and in these circumstances the tu quoque defense should be repugant to any decent American regardless of his/her politics.

Right, but as SJRking

Right, but as SJRking suggests, it's important to recognize that generating a conflict that can be portrayed as 'bad, violent people on both sides' is integral to the strategies of both the alt-right types themselves AND the (far) right media, which is willing to use even a KKK rally that got someone killed as an opportunity to provoke distrust and loathing of the left.

Tough to pull off

Tough to pull off Dictator-level satire with a tweet. Brian's error (as I see it) has something to do with the limitations of the medium. And the subject matter only raises the degree of difficulty. Maybe there was a good idea behind the original tweet, but if so the execution was poor, in my view.

Wait ... someone watched the Wait ... someone watched the NIT?
Not really true. People have Not really true. People have known that the earth is round since at least the time of Aristotle
Me, too.

Me, too.

It's not a business.

It's not a business.

It's like a business in some respects ($ is involved, there are "corporate" goals that sometimes take precedence over the interests of individuals).

But it's not a business unless you definition of business is so broad as to include any and all institutions (i.e., too broad to have any meaning).

Awesome Awesome

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It's not a novel. It's not a novel.

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Yeah, that was awesome.

Yeah, that was awesome.

The lack of taste was a huge

The lack of taste was a huge issue. But it seems that DB left with no friends because he treated just about everyone as badly as he could get away with (and often he didn't get away with it--see those emails). That adds up to some species of bad person--surely something less than a parricide or rapist, but whether you'd say "piece of shit" or "asshole" is just splitting hairs.

His Philippics, I'd say.

His Philippics, I'd say.

You think a guy pulling 8

You think a guy pulling 8 mil. a year is worried about the cost of living?

Yeah, this is some straight

Yeah, this is some straight up grave dancin'.

Dude, port is strictly for

Dude, port is strictly for after dinner.

I mean, Go Blue!

7 mil is a bad symbol, but 5

7 mil is a bad symbol, but 5 is okay? Explain that, please.

I live in Oakland and I love

I live in Oakland and I love it. Great town, and much improved over the last 5-10 years. Not that JH would have to live here.

I agree with just about all

I agree with just about all of it in principle. But it's not written in a very professional way. Far too many exclamation points, just to start (like a 12-year-old's diary). If the authors want it to be taken seriously they should use a more formal style, whch could still convey the severity of the issue.

"There's still a chance to

"There's still a chance to save Hoke!"

Forcing the defender to push

Forcing the defender to push through you, and thus slowing him, certainly constitutes at least "a modicum of resistance."

not on your life ...

not on your life ...

Then what does Pam Ward have

Then what does Pam Ward have to do with anything?

Shut up. You're far too

Shut up. You're far too reasonable.

Dude, that's a cardigan.

Dude, that's a cardigan.

I think what many of believe

I think what many of believe is that by appealing to the die-hard, tradition-obsessed, quasi-purist crowd, the AD might build the "brand" in such a way as to make the experience more appealling to all. You can't compete with TV by being "better" in terms of the visuals and the convenience. You have to be different from TV, the NFL, etc. You have to cultivate what makes (or once made, if only in our imaginations) Michigan special.

It's sad that the sooges in charge of the AD are so tone-deaf that they can't about the "brand" except in narrow, short-sighted way. 

Okak, that could be so. Is

Okak, that could be so. Is that common knowledge? And is that what the author of the post meant? In the context of this article, it seems like it should have some bearing on Fisher's coaching ability. Still not clear if it's supposed to be a credit or detriment to him.

"In the aftermath Fisher

"In the aftermath Fisher decided to take the team to Europe, an experience that was lost on his wards."

I found this a bit puzzling. Does it mean that it was a bad decision to take the trip? That the players didn't appreciate or profit from it? If so, why is that true? I recall Jalen speaking about the trip in the Fab Five documentary, but, if memory serves, he was positive about it, culture-shock notwithstanding.

Isn't a recruit meeting

Isn't a recruit meeting Charles Woodson some kind of NCAA violation?



I agree. I think the rule

I agree. I think the rule could make an impact because it would give defenses confidence that they could substitute as long as they did it in fewer than 10 secs. The fear of getting burned by a quick snap is lessened, if not removed. That certainty would, I assume, make it easier to practice for facing the hurry-up as well.

Once the spacecraft had

Once the spacecraft had landed, wouldn't it have been clear that a person could walk safely?