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Position Statement A not-so-"Minor" glitch is that we failed to drive for scores in the second half. I set forth my predicted point spread in another post "Pryor" to today's game. Off, thankfully. Hopefully the rationale I provided is accurate however. As this offered, RR and staff held back mindful of That Trade School in South Bend. If not, next weekend could be a painful one.
Otter, WMU Really Isn't That Great After 1Q we'll run the ball and cycle toddlers often, and mostly shelter play cards for next week's match against That Trade School in South Bend. WMU burns our D on occasion but the flames are contained before our 20. Toledo is a mere historical border incident. Wolverine victory will not be in doubt. Prediction Michigan 26, whiffed PAT, and WMU 17. RR, please rest Minor if the injury is legit as we might need to draw upon Minor's skills against said trade school should The Whale wisely zero Brown, hopefully not by falling on and crushing Brown near the sidelines.