Wrestlemania 31

Submitted by Half Blood Dut… on

Wrestlemania tonight could be one of the best in recent memory. Anyone else watching it tonight? This is also my first forum topic post. Just wanted it to be short and sweet.


March 29th, 2015 at 8:31 PM ^

The match itself was fine in the beginning, but it was overbooked to shit and it ended terribly.  Nobody was asking for a Bryan-Triple H match, but shoehorning in DX and the NWO, the latter which actively fought against Sting for about 99% of their run, is stupid.  I mean, at least have them dress as the Wolfpac and get Konnan, Kevin Nash in the red, Lex Luger, etc.


March 29th, 2015 at 8:43 PM ^

I agree from a kayfabe viewpoint it didn't make any sense having Hall, Nash, and Hogan help Sting. Also why would Sting shake Trips hand after getting hit by a sledgehammer and HHH basically trying to cheat the whole time?


March 29th, 2015 at 8:48 PM ^

That's my point.  I know it's all fake and WWE doesn't believe most people have more than a 2-day memory, but the whole point of Sting going "The Crow" route was to mess with the original NWO.  It just seems dumb to ret-con the storyline for no reason except to trot out a bunch of guys you have under contract.  

But whatever, I've never been a huge fan of Triple H when it comes to storyline usage (he's a good worker in the ring), and this was a weird match when they booked it as some "WCW vs. WWF" match when in fact Sting never seemed like the crusader for WCW the way they tried.


March 29th, 2015 at 8:29 PM ^

Also, if you are going to smack a guy in the head with the sledgehammer, at least sell it like you are out for more than 30 seconds.  

I hate this "mutual respect" BS stuff.  From a business standpoint, you lose the ability to put Sting vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania 32, you trotted out a bunch of old guys who look turrible to sell your current product, and you bummed out a lot of people who hoped, for once, that the politics of 15 years ago wouldn't rear its ugly head again.

Ah well, maybe they'll redeem themselves with Cena vs. Rusev...nah.


March 29th, 2015 at 8:34 PM ^

Why is there a sexy baked potato singing right now with the drummer from Blink-182 behind her?  Ah well, at least it's not Machine Gun Kelly.


March 29th, 2015 at 8:44 PM ^

I'm a little surprised they are putting this match on before Cena vs. Rusev, Taker vs. Wyatt, or the Main Event.  People are going to need a break between those matches, not so much for bathroom breaks or anything (I mean, you could take a bathroom break and order food during the Undertaker's introduction alone), but just because it is going to be 3 straight "epic" matches in a row.  That's a killer emotionally.


March 29th, 2015 at 8:50 PM ^

I guess.  They already trotted out a bunch during that Daniel Bryan segment.  Maybe they'll bring Harbaugh out for 10 minutes so that he can cut a shoot promo on the 49ers' management.  That would be pretty awesome.

Ricky from Sunnyvale

March 29th, 2015 at 9:01 PM ^

I used to watch during the Monday night wars and the WWF Attitude/Raw is War era. Occasionally when I've had a couple too many I will end up in a WWF wormhole on youtube.

I can't do it anymore, it used to be so good. Very diluted now in my opinion, I couldn't even tell ya what channel it's on plus my two favorites Stone Cold & The Undertaker don't wrestle anymore. I'm still a little pissy The Undertaker had his infamous streak ended, that guy was so awesome.

I do recommend listening to Stone Cold's unedited podcast though, he is actually really funny. Just had Amani Toomer on last week.


March 29th, 2015 at 9:07 PM ^

Undertaker is still wrestling tonight, so I guess you are missing on him.

Professional wrestling is an acquired taste; lots of Attitude Era people love it and don't want wrestling to deviate from that, and it's fine.  It's like guys who loved ECW and now flock to CZW and Juggalo events because they want to see people just get brutalized.  I know people who swear by 70s and 80s-era NWA as the pinnacle.  It's what you like.

But the product isn't demonstrably worse except tha tthe top acts don't have cross-over appeal the way they did 15 years ago, which was such an abberation that it will likely not happen again.  


March 29th, 2015 at 9:04 PM ^

I love this Rusev entrance.  If you are going 110% Russian, might as well go all the way.  Plus, hard to argue with a super-attractive blond and a freaking tank!


March 29th, 2015 at 9:10 PM ^

I'm going to break the no-politics rule for a second and say that this Cena entrace should be run on a loop on Fox News every hour.  If you've ever wondered what a near-70 year old billionaire carnival barker thinks is America, watch this entrance video.

Dr. Venture

March 29th, 2015 at 9:13 PM ^

The more I watch the more I'm certain that Reigns will win. This crowd isn't as hot and smarky as I was expecting, meaning Reigns will go over without much heat.


March 29th, 2015 at 9:13 PM ^

Even after that video the fans serenade him to John Cena sucks, change your gimmick, Jack.


March 29th, 2015 at 9:29 PM ^

Come on Cena - close that window with the STF.  

And that's kind of a weird finish to this match.  It will elevate the US title, but Rusev looks like kind of a chump.