
August 11th, 2009 at 2:12 PM ^

So, uh, have you met women before? If you're good looking, they like you for that. If you have money, they like you for that. If you're funny, they like you for that. If you're have an athletic body, they like you for that. If you're a $60M football player that has enough of a sense of humor to wear those sunglasses, well, you're going to pull some serious tail. Ain't nothing wrong with that.

Blue in Yarmouth

August 11th, 2009 at 1:30 PM ^

understood why anyone cares about the reason for a girl sleeping with a guy. If I have tons of money and hot girl decides she wants me for it so what? People find different things attractive, for some it's money for others its teeth and the list goes on. For me it is the breats and money any more shallow than that? They dig gold, I dig breasts, as long as we are all having some good sex who cares?

The King of Belch

August 11th, 2009 at 10:13 AM ^

Money+Fame+Sar Quarterback=HOT BROADIES! WHO KNEW? If I was in his shoes, I couldn't give a flying fuck why they like me, just that they do, and boy, are they gonna do some sexual shenanigans to prove it! If Stafford "looks" like a dork, what the hell do broke message board guys who surf the intranets for the exploits of 18-22 year old kids look like? Fonzie? In fact, if Stafford WASN'T surrounded by hot babes, I'd punch him right in the junk.


August 11th, 2009 at 10:16 AM ^

Sure he gets the ladies. But he also has to play QB for the Lions. Even with all the money and ladies he appears to be getting I'm not sure it is worth it to have your career and name forever be associated with the lions. Best of luck Mr. Stafford, you will need it.

Chester Cheetah

August 11th, 2009 at 10:31 AM ^

This proves that the best time of his life is the time between the draft and the first pick (of many I assume)he throws. Best of luck to him, just hope he doesn't break tradition by beating the Packers.


August 11th, 2009 at 11:26 AM ^

Give the guy credit - he's 21, a millionaire, in great shape, clearly has some success with the ladies, and gets to play football for a living. Good for him. Of course, he gets to look forward to being sandwiched by three D-linemen for the next few years, so he might as well enjoy himself now. Apparently this is his girlfriend (the blond next to him in the first picture). Apparently she is not a big fan of reading, but loves RAP!! Hopefully she can also come to appreciate the RAWK! music that they pipe into most NFL stadiums.