Wayyyyyyyy OT: Christmas Lights

Submitted by bigmc6000 on

So, long story short. I had a lead in my HOA voting contest when I went to bed last night and between then and now the other guy got 25 votes so now I'm down 8 (or more).  I've bugged most of my co-workers and facebook friends so I thought my last opportunity was to turn to my MGoBrothers and Sisters in Arms to see if I can still win this thing.  You need a facebook account and you have to like the actual picture, not the share (the HOA doesn't count the share likes).  I'm sure I don't have the best light display of all the people on here but I'm hoping with your help I can take home the win!




Thanks all and Merry Christmas!


Update:  Once again the power of the MGoCommunity has triumphed!  I ended up winning by about a dozen votes and it looked like a good 50 of so of you guys voted.  Thanks everybody!!!


December 18th, 2015 at 7:16 AM ^

Oh I think I have the best one, he stole his idea for fake snow from my display last year. And, yeah, it's wayyyyy OT, was debating posting it all but I don't know enough other people to ask to vote for it. I guess if it's too OT even with the tag the mods can drop it - no harm no foul I suppose.

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might and main

December 18th, 2015 at 8:11 AM ^

I checked your pic and it's very well done. My wife does our house and I've always loved and appreciated it. Neighbors tell us the same. But do be careful on the ladder ... bro-in-law doing his lights on just a step ladder fell and shattered his wrist bones. Good luck in the contest, your do-it-yourself effort should be worth extra points. Peace, and Merry Christmas to you.

Everyone Murders

December 18th, 2015 at 8:32 AM ^

Hey, would you all mind buying some Girl Scout cookies from my daughter?  If she sells $10,000 worth, she gets an Amazon Kindle Fire.  The neighbors' daughters are all hitting up their parents' workplaces, but I thought I'd try to get all y'all to support her effort.

Just post your credit card info, name and address, and driver's license number as a reply below, indicate how many boxes you'd like, and I'll hook you up!



December 18th, 2015 at 2:53 PM ^

Sorry, but I reported you to the Viridian HOA police for stuffing the ballot box, and they awarded the prize to the dude with the inflatable Christmas Barney on his lawn.  It disgusts me how people like you turn a wholesome neighborhood holiday lights festival into a cut-throat, win-at-all-costs, dog-eat-dog bloodletting.  Maybe you need to check out the Charlie Brown holiday special and rediscover the true meaning of Christmas . . . .