Human Torpedo

February 3rd, 2018 at 2:02 PM ^

Genetics and heredity have nothing to do with who you are as a person. Many white people (and black people for that matter) have ancestors who were slaveowners and turn out perfectly considerate and caring about other races. Not to mention plenty of people who were from a racist time period like the 60's have changed their beliefs and are no longer in anyway racist

In reply to by MIGHTYMOJO91


February 3rd, 2018 at 6:02 PM ^

Activist yes racist no the SEC on a whole did not have a black athlete until what 1968 and Bear Bryant was known to be a racist just as Henry Ford was known to be a Nazi sympathizer not a fan of building statues for either


February 3rd, 2018 at 6:51 PM ^

Mohammed  invaded and conquered lands. MLK an adulterer thus breaking one of the fundamental tenets of Christianity. Lincoln was racist. Gandhi was racist.  

I could spend the rest of my life investigating and outing the flaws of admired deceased persons because all humans are flawed in one fashion or another.

We live in a time where many fancy themselves saints and those of the past sinners.  I find this arrogance to be very irritating. Almost of these people will have lived their lives without impacting humanity in any sort of meaningful way. 

I believed that when we die our lives are subject to a scale of judgment. If the good outweighs the bad then we had a commendable life. If no change at all occurs then we lived an average life. If the bad outweighs the good then we lived a life worthy only of contempt and regret.

Alas, most of us will be immune from this as we are essentially nobodies in the record of Man. We will live, love and be loved, in small and insular circules. Our deaths will sadden perhaps a few hundred, maybe a thousand people, if we attained some type of prestigious status in the tiny part of the globe we inhabit. But that's it.

Conversely, the fruit of Henry Ford's  life impacted tens of millions of humans for more than a century. He left a profound impact upon humanity.

We build statues to people for their impact on civilization, not because of their morality. If we were to make morality a factor then we will have to tear a whole lot of monuments and plaques because a great chunk of historical persons will fail the morality test.It wouldn't be limited to just dead white men.Far from it.

I will also point out that we openly honor rather abhorrent peoples like the Vikings  who did things that make Ford's sins look very tame in comparison. The Vikings plundered and murdered all throughout Europe yet today we have fans of a NFL team chanting "SKOL" and wearing cartoonish images of these very brutal warriors who left an extremely violent legacy.

We in an age where information can be easily accessed by more people than any time in human history. Yet, inexplicably far too many people are still too parochial and ignorant, particularly people who have a postsecondary education.


February 3rd, 2018 at 8:18 PM ^

Still a pretty misinformed and absolutely stupid comment coming from an "activist". I wonder if we were to do a little research on your family what one could call you. I am willing to bet it wouldn't be activist. Quit with the self righteous bs.


February 4th, 2018 at 9:21 AM ^

of building statues of anyone. What a waste of money. Then you have to keep the thing clean. So your out there and you get to where you're cleaning the things butt and somebody with a smartphone record's you at that time and that's it, you become a same day sensation. And if your smiling while cleaning. Oh boy.


February 3rd, 2018 at 1:52 PM ^

The only curse Michigan suffers from is that of empowering the dufus Dave Brandin who wrecked our FB program in a way only he could...fucker was an OSU Manchurian Candidate