U-M Board of Regents votes against investing $50 million into fossil fuel companies

Submitted by Human Torpedo on December 6th, 2019 at 3:41 PM

Apparently the students protesting here and at Harvard-Yale game are putting a lot of schools on notice about this issue. Good to see, especially if you're a donor, as I certainly wouldn't want my money going to those stupid companies!




December 6th, 2019 at 5:21 PM ^

Yes, those "stupid companies" and the millions of jobs and families that depend on those jobs are really dumb. As is the power that they supply that 99% of the world depends upon for modern life. The fact that there is today, NO substitute available to change this for 99% of us doesn't really matter because "energy companies bad." You know, now that I think about it, all of those poor people in India and Africa that actually die every year from having no power are actually better off dying because if they lived they'd contribute to climate change. 

The OP post is truly one of the dumbest things I've ever seen written. 

blue in dc

December 6th, 2019 at 11:24 PM ^

Non-fossil was actually about a third in 2018.   In your defense, maybe you thought that non-fossil was wind and solar.   That was about 8%.



Wind capacity 46% and solar capacity 18% were the 1st and 3rd largest new type of generation by capacity in 2019, so those numbers are likely to continue to grow.



December 6th, 2019 at 9:55 PM ^

There is, and this is objective fact, no science whatsoever from any reputable scientific group on this planet, that supports mass extinction. None, definitive statement of truth.

Climate change is a true problem and we should amp up research and do many other measures to combat it, but the extinction narrative is pure and utter bullshit 


December 6th, 2019 at 8:51 PM ^

Hey, if we keep going, maybe we'll all lose our jobs because the coasts will flood and there will be massive international competition for clean water and a veritable refugee crisis featuring some 143 million people displaced. For these 1 million "jobs."

Not like other energy industries don't employ nearly as many people, or anything.


December 7th, 2019 at 3:21 PM ^

I acknowledge those things and am appreciative of what the fossil fuel industry has given us, while also recognizing it’s a “stupid” way forward for humanity at this point. I’m pretty convinced that, like we now judge those who owned slaves and condoned slavery, we will be judged by our descendants for knowing about climate change yet continuing to do things like drive cars and cling to the sacredness of our economic comfort above all else.

And if this is the stupidest thing you’ve ever read in your life then I’m presuming you haven’t been on this board during, say, an overtime game against an opponent we were supposed to beat by 40.


December 6th, 2019 at 6:44 PM ^

Indeed....and maybe then the universities would lower their costs (i.e. let go of bloated admin) and spend money smartly instead of installing lazy rivers: https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/education/article_d493697a-e40e-11e7-978d-eb7f43e822bf.html

Out of state tuition at UofM for my nephew is more than double what it cost me twenty years ago despite having roughly the same number of students. UofM spends $9b educating 46,000 students....and apparently needs a 3/1 Admin to Academic staff ratio (19k to 6k) to do it!!


Let it burn to the ground and start this shit over....Universities have lost sight of the educational aspect of their mission and have focused exclusively on the "experience" to the detriment of everyone's wallet.

Robbie Moore

December 6th, 2019 at 5:20 PM ^

If you have a problem with huge corporations or carnivorous hedge funds then mega Universities, like UM, may not be your thing. Michigan has a HUGE endowment. It is invested all over the place and I'm sure we can find lots to dislike about investments they have made directly or through some fund. 

Like it or not the University believes it is their responsibility to grow the endowment through "prudent" investments. Hoard it, in other words. As opposed to say spending it to defray the staggering cost of getting a degree.  


December 6th, 2019 at 9:19 PM ^

I tend to think a university can both be prudent and invest in a way that reflects the values of an institution and its constituents (to a degree - nothing is going to make everyone happy). 

Still plenty of ways to diversify and make money if you want to stay away from industries like oil, opiods, payday lending, tobacco, etc. 


December 6th, 2019 at 3:54 PM ^

Good.  Invest that money in nuclear energy.  Don’t waste a penny on electric vehicles.   Sorry for the rant but my POS Model 3 was a total lemon 


December 6th, 2019 at 4:07 PM ^

Nuclear is the only reasonable pathway to weaning off of fossil fuels. The new tech we have now would make nuclear energy far more efficient and safe than ever before. 

These old, aging facilities are the true hazards that these green hippies fail to recognize. 

That being said, I don’t see much wrong with this gesture. That’s all this is really. Let the students be students. All  the complaining fools probably thought they were changing the world in the 60s on college campuses. 


December 6th, 2019 at 4:24 PM ^

I agree with you.  I have toured both coal and nuclear plants and the difference is night and day.  The industry calls coal plants dirt burners, and it pretty much looks/smells/feels like it.  They are pretty disgusting.   They are dirty, dusty, smelly, and pretty gross.  Whereas the nuke plants are pristine.  Think hospital.  If the plant is that gross you can imagine what it is putting off in the air.  As long as nuke plants follow proper 2019 safety protocols I think it's the way to go.