December 15th, 2014 at 9:56 PM ^

FWIW there are rumors flying all over other parts of the MGoUniverse that tomorrow could be a huge day. Trieu has some positive stuff as well as Balas. Still all rumors for now.

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December 15th, 2014 at 10:17 PM ^

“As we’ve said many times, when the season ends, decisions are going to be made,” Baalke said. “That’s when that conversation is going to take place.

That sort of makes me think they are still considering the possibility of trading him, trades which I believe he has every right to shoot down. Rumors mentioned above aside, it wouldn't shock me if they held onto Harbaugh until the end of the season even if their ultimate plan was to remove him an hour or so after San Francisco's final game this season. Of course, that would make the next two weeks a crazy two weeks - eh, another crazy two weeks, I suppose. 

Mocha Cub

December 15th, 2014 at 10:32 PM ^

So he couldn't release this type of statement when they were still in playoff contention? Lol this is some Dave Brandon level management. Whatever though, hopefully we'll be toasting the 49ers loss as our gain next year when "It's Happening" has become "It Happened"


December 16th, 2014 at 2:32 AM ^

Baalke desperately trying to sound like he's Harbaugh's boss. Also a transparent attempt to reap leverage from a guy who has decided he's had enough of the Jed and Trent Clownshow. As an erstwhile Niners fan, I am sad for the franchise, and grateful that at Michigan there is an institution that is vigilant enough that the clowns do not run the whole rodeo.