Sunday Night Harbaugh Tweet

Submitted by Candor for Sale on

Do we need a new post for every Harbaugh tweet? Probably not. But when he references Step Brothers, then it happens. Who's got it better than us?!

Watching 1 of the classics! "Step Brothers", reminds me that @umich is "Prestige WorldWIDE" (((Wide))) ((wide))

— Coach Harbaugh (@CoachJim4UM) March 29, 2015

Honk if Ufer M…

March 30th, 2015 at 2:50 AM ^

I just have too many to make a list and I'm having a bad memory weekend, but seriously there hasn't been a single Woody Allen movie mentioned by a single poster?

It also took forever before anyone mentioned Blazing Saddles! wtf?

Other Andrew

March 30th, 2015 at 5:24 AM ^

1. The Big Lebowski

2. Trading Places

3. Dr. Strangelove

4. This is Spinal Tap

5. Airplane!

That was harder than I expected - had to cut: Caddyshack, The Blues Brothers, Annie Hall, Groundhog Day, Rushmore, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Coming to America, Borat, and Clerks.


March 30th, 2015 at 7:12 AM ^

Tough coming up with a list but here goes.

1. Planes, trains and automobiles
2. Dumb and Dumber
3. The Big Lebowski
4. Airplane!
5. National Lampoon's Vacation/European Vacation/Christmas Vacation

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March 30th, 2015 at 8:24 AM ^

1. Dumb and Dumber

2. Blues Brothers

3a. Ace Ventura Pet Detective

3b. Ace Ventura When Nature Calls

4a. Almost Heroes

4b. Tommy Boy

4c. Black Sheep

4d. Beverly Hills Ninja

5. The Mask


Honerable Mentions: Animal House, Pineapple Express, Rush Hour, Shanghai Noon, and Mrs. Doubtfire.