
October 31st, 2015 at 12:17 AM ^

Singling out just Catholics seems a bit simplistic.

The numbers for Vietnam are more accurate than those of The Thirty Years war--unless, you really believe that early 17th century demographic estimations are really as accurate as mid-20th century estimations. 

The US invented a weapon that can literally end the human race and used it. I mean, really. You can't get anymore brutal than that.


October 31st, 2015 at 12:36 AM ^

Yes, you can get more brutal than that. You can use the doomsday weapon then choose to stop using it. Many did and still do argue that atomic weapons reduced worldwide conflict from what it would have been (I don't necessarily agree with this). 

But religious dogma is a constant subjugation of human freedom and intellect. It cannot take a break from suppressing us. 

Nobody "singled out" the Catholic church, at least I didn't. I simply denied your attempt to minimize the church's role in the destruction of human life vs. the role of the US government. We still have a long way to go. 

And you are just nit-picking over nonsense on the casualty issue, without supporting your point at all. It's not even close. 


October 31st, 2015 at 12:55 AM ^

This all just so hilarious to me considering Michigan athletes gave Notre Dame is very not so-politically correct name 'Fighting Irish' which they still use to this day.. Was that nickname laced with anti-Irish, and in turn, anti-catholic sentiments? It's possible.. Where's the outrage? There is none because most people understand the context

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October 31st, 2015 at 5:42 AM ^

I don't think you really understand what went on in the Thirty Years War. It was more about national hate than religious suppression, particularly when the Catholic French were fighting against the dying remains of the Hapsburgs' empire. That's like saying one assassination caused WWI. Short sighted, narrow minded, and foolish.


October 31st, 2015 at 12:16 AM ^

The 20th century was remarkable for the number of people who were killed, but Stone Age warfare seems to have killed a higher percentage of the participating populations. As Robert McNamara would say in his later years, the indefinite combination of nuclear weapons and human fallibility will almost inevitably lead to disaster. I often like your posts.


October 31st, 2015 at 12:33 AM ^

I can't remember, but I don't believe McNamara thought the use of the A-bomb was unjustified, as such, when looking at it within the context of the war. I only meant to make the point - as he did - that trusting ourselves to have nuclear weapons over the long haul will likely be a disastrous choice.


October 31st, 2015 at 12:23 AM ^

That's why I hate singling out any one group whether it is the US, the Catholic Church, or Islam. No one group owns wars, genocide, or oppression. These are traits exhibiting by all major civilizations.(So too is creativity and humanity).

I don't see any difference between what DoubleYost is doing and what Islamophobes do.


October 31st, 2015 at 12:30 AM ^

Ok P.C. Principle. Fuck Notre Dame. That was the just of my post. You saw the opportunity to focus on the last sentence and get butthurt about 'the church' getting a bad wrap. Now you are grouping me in with 'islamaphobes'.. Keep grasping at that as you sit in your fallout shelter waiting for a nuclear winter. I have no time for the Vatican.

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October 31st, 2015 at 12:36 AM ^

It isn't a religion or political structure that is the problem, it's people with far too much power concentrated in their hands.

The US has a long track record of anti-Catholicism that stems from it's English roots. Hell yea, I am offended. My ancestors had anti-Catholic Klansmen burning crosses in their yard because they were Catholic. The hate was real.


October 31st, 2015 at 12:43 AM ^

How would you like me to respond to that? I can guess.. Sorry you despise America and it's English roots, but you are really trying to stretch this into a vindictive argument. I really do picture you as PC Principle because if I can't say 'Fuck Notre Dame' along with a tongue-in-cheek comment related their school's denomination on a Michigan blog there really is no hope for the MGoFuture. Ah sterility... A Brave New World much, Salvatore?

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October 31st, 2015 at 9:21 AM ^

I have them read about what the Japanese did in all their conquered territories, as well as to the captured POWs, and then how every Japanese person on Okinawa fought to the last person, not to mention the mentality of the Kamakzis raining down on the fleet. If we hadn't dropped those two bombs way more people would have died period.

Besides, as horrible as firebombing seems in todays world, in both the German and the Japanese case, if you don't want your people killed, don't start a war and kill other countries civilians. They brought total war upon themselves.


October 30th, 2015 at 11:01 PM ^

"...Efforts were made to entice the student to become Catholic."

Become a Catholic-the sex is great! 

Maybe... but then there's the guilt. 


October 30th, 2015 at 11:20 PM ^

This seems much less plausible than the Louisville allegations. He "repented" and then was referred to bogus counseling where he was pressured to become Catholic? Stranger things have happened, but this doesn't make a lot of sense right now.


October 30th, 2015 at 11:34 PM ^

And it's weirder than anything they've been accused of before. Cover up an assault by a football player? Sure, maybe. But pressure an athlete into sex with a coach's daughter and then try to get him to become Catholic when he refuses? That's a different universe.


October 30th, 2015 at 11:41 PM ^

I still don't believe ND didn't have some idea what was going on and they definitely tried to cover it up.  I still remember those screen shots of the ND players laughing when Teo talked about her at a pep rally.



October 30th, 2015 at 11:42 PM ^

No where in the article did I read that they tried to convert him after he refused.. It stated that multiple attempts were made to coerce the student to become Catholic.. I really have no problem believing that. I would imagine that process starts the moment an athlete commits to Notre Dame

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October 31st, 2015 at 12:03 AM ^

The complaint does not make the timeline clear. But they're definitely saying this female academic coach has been allowed to sexually prey on black male athletes, that she sexually preyed on the plaintiff and simultaneously pressured him to become Catholic, and that at least one other ND employee gave the plaintiff psychiatric meds to try to cover up what happened. I'm well aware of the sins of the Catholic Church - and these allegations may have truth to them - but this is a lot to buy into right now.


October 31st, 2015 at 12:01 PM ^

First we start with a bizarre story about a ND employee whoring out her daughter and then somehow jumped into genocide, nuclear war, and the nature of evil.

I really just wanted to read the salacious sex scandal allegations. But MGoReaders insisted on educating me about deeper stuff ...