Please make liveblog mods only

Submitted by uniqenam on

I really enjoy the inane chatter of BlueSeoul, Geaux_Blue, and the other mods!  They're so much better than the rest of the MGoCommunity!


Take away all my points, I don't care.


November 5th, 2011 at 4:15 PM ^

Look, I agree that the liveblogs need to be moderated, and you guys generally do a good job of filtering out the pointless comments. I am sure that is pretty difficult especially with the high volume of comments.

All that I am asking is that the mods comment (or approve comments) that are related to the game. I don't come to a liveblog on a Michigan fan site (on the day of a game!) to get involved in inside jokes between the mods.

Zone Left

November 5th, 2011 at 4:32 PM ^

I'm just going to second everything you said. I haven't really been around much on Saturdays this year, but modding is generally like watching a torrent of words from 5000 commenters blow by you at Ludicrous Speed.

For me, I'm not looking at the person's screen name, I'm just trying to approve appropriate comments quickly. 

As soon as Michigan starts losing, the comments go downhill extremely fast and it becomes really depressing approving FIRE X or [Insert player here] is terrible and shouldn't play. There are so many of those comments moving so quickly that the mods find it really hard to parse anything interesting.


November 5th, 2011 at 4:35 PM ^

the only people that have made moderating worthwhile are the fellow unpaid people who you work with. people seem to think it's a grab for glory rather than, you know, wanting a site representing michigan to not be an embarrassment. you and BiSB have been regular sanity checks at times for myself and i'm sure many of the others who have volunteered


November 5th, 2011 at 4:01 PM ^

since my efforts are so damaging. my rudest comment was telling mrex to shut up when he said the best case scenario was a UM 7-5 season. 

enjoy your season foks.


November 5th, 2011 at 4:48 PM ^

i think people just don't have a full grasp of what the software is even like on a CIL. i went out of my way to go back and publish items that had ANY differentiation from the "(name) SUX" variety. you don't see usernames (in theory) during a LiveBlog, you only see comments and it scrolls as they come in. the fact people had valuable content that went unpublished, which i don't doubt, falls more on the 5000 other people submitting garbage than an "elite group of moderators" who are trying to play comment footsie. 


November 5th, 2011 at 4:11 PM ^

I'm being honest, what's wrong with those comments?  Is it because you disagree with the sentiment?  If that's the way people are feeling, that's the way they're feeling.  There's a difference between moderating "YES!" "HURR" and "X PLAYER SUCKZZZZZZZ" and moderating "Man, I think we're going to lose" "Why is our offense stalling so much?" and "Borges stop putting in Devin!"


November 5th, 2011 at 4:14 PM ^

I'd still love to know what your username was because within this very thread people are complaining that moderators published many of the very items you claim weren't allowed through. not to mention the sheer volume of your YES! HURR X PLAYER SUCKZZZZ prevent finding/stopping the scroll to publish your "Man I think we're going to lose"


November 5th, 2011 at 4:24 PM ^

I consider myself a pretty reasonable guy, and my track record is pretty clean. With that said, let me say this:

Fuck. This.

How much fun do you think it is to sift through 600 consecutive posts of "DAMNIT CATCH THE BALL?" Or the posts from the guys who feel the need to post "F*ck Borges and this f*cking shit I f*cking hope Vincent Smith dies in a fire," and then get pissed when their comments don't get posted? Do you have any idea how much effort PlayByPlay puts in to do what he does?

I love Michigan Football, and I do my best to help others enjoy games. I thought we were providing a service... on our Saturdays... for free... during a goddamn football game. Apparently I was wrong. We don't ask for glory, or for credit, or for a gold star... but what the shit, man. Is it too much to ask that we not be shit on for it?



November 5th, 2011 at 4:28 PM ^

I'm not shitting on you; you weren't filling the blog up with things that you thought were funny that were just clogging the blog up.  I appreciate that you moderate; I just wonder sometimes if it would be better unfiltered. 


November 5th, 2011 at 4:36 PM ^

I will take you up on that bet.  I will suppress my pride (to the best of my ability), man up, and admit that the mods/Brian are right on this if I think that it's too ridiculous.  I guess you have to rely on my since of honor, which is hard to do on the internet, but I'll do it.


November 5th, 2011 at 6:43 PM ^

This whole fucking thread feels like uniquename is just begging to be asked to do the LiveBlog - like it was some sinister plot that worked.  Please, don't give him that opportunity - I don't want the LiveBlog to degenerate into a slew of "X sucks" posts.

Dude, go to a Michigan chat site.  It's that simple.  A live blog is not a chat room.  You want a chat room.

If you want 11,000+ comments (that's literally one per second for 3.5 hours... you cannot read that fast.) find a chat room.  It's teh internetz.  You have options.

Thanks mods for your efforts today.

Also, as a "HA-HA" to this thread: I only was in the LiveBlog for the first half (thank god), but my one and only post got published.  It was me complaining that everyone was going all "Sky is falling" in the second quarter.  I trust mods to not post stupidity; not because they don't agree with it, but because it's stupid.  Thanks again mods, great job as always!


November 5th, 2011 at 5:23 PM ^

it's not worth it. when i got unmodded it was for similar crap to this and having the same sentiments. if helping reduces your ability to enjoy a game even by 1% and you're obviously not paid, what's the point. you'll probably have a much better rest of the season, not to mention the off-season.

the irony is too that you're the most even handed mod there's been and yet you and i talk more in those than anyone else through Private.


November 5th, 2011 at 5:11 PM ^

it's more about people complaining about a free service offered by people not being paid to help manage said operations. when the most rational, calm, even-handed moderator is getting pissed off, something's wrong. i know most of the ire in this thread is about me but overall people on this site can overlook what guys like Blue in South Bend et. al are offering. they're helping generate a lot of traffic and, arguably, revenue for Brian by making sure this site is a visitable "Non-MLive." they deserve people taking a step back and wondering if they should really be ripping. that's why i'm backing off CIL - i don't want to be bringing this crap on the moderators and, perhaps, Brian. pointing out that they should take criticsm, paid or not, is the equivalent of saying you should be able to bitch about the song selection at a free music festival.

Waters Demos

November 5th, 2011 at 8:02 PM ^

Wow - just catching this debate a few hours after the fact.  Which is probably a good thing, because this would not be a popular post. 

Call me a snob or "elitist" or whatever.  The fact is that the world is split up into hoi polloi, whose predictable and meaningless drivel is as lacking in insight as it is plentiful, and a small group of people with truly unique insights (I count myself proudly as among the many BTW).  Sifting through the endless wallpaper to find the few who have level-minded insights (as opposed to knee jerk, emo bullshit) can only, I imagine, be a sisyphean task.  The mods deserve everyone's cooperation and respect for their willingness to confront it.

Sorry to those who feel aggreived, but Brian and the mods are 100% correct here - every time and without any doubt.  Their detractors are 100% wrong - and there's no argument on their behalf.  And the arguments concerning their banter fail too - if it's such banter that keeps them sane, then so be it.  Most people have nothing of value to share - it's a fact of nature and always will be.  And this necessarily gets even worse amongst a football audience.  Reading through BISB's, G_B's, etc.... recounting of the overwhelming majority of comments that come in during games is hardly surprising. 


November 5th, 2011 at 6:33 PM ^

I appreciate that you think I put a ton of work into what I do, and usually I do. Today I had the luxury of working with 7 other mods who did a ton of the work for me. Ergo, I approved many fewer comments than I normally approve in general. The only problem I found today was that with the number of mods double what it usually is (Typically this year we have been averaging between 2 and 4 mods/game), it is very hard for there to be a happy medium.

Were there more mod comments that got through this week and were probably poking at people? Sure

HOWEVA, I also think that this game saw THE MOST comments I have ever seen. I think this is because there were more getting approved in the 1st quarter and thus everyone thought they'd continue to be approved all game. When we did being to pare down what made it into the Live Blog, we began to see a ton more comments along the lines of "why am I not approved" and comments that began to get out of hand with going to far with jokes. Is it entertaining to poke fun of Craig James for 30 seconds? Yes. Is it entertaining to poke fun of Craig James for half a quarter? No. The thing that gets me is when people just harp on topics that have been covered earlier in the liveblog or are completely irrelevant to the game at hand.

ALSO, remember that there is a stark difference in the quality of the blog when we are beating up Minnesota vs what we saw today. I think people post more out of frustration than out of jubulation and the posts get far more crude with a game like today. This makes it especially hard on us mods because while we are getting depressed about the game, we get even more depressed reading 100 comments when Iowa gets a 1st and 10 along the lines of "ugh, ughh, so-and-so needs benched, etc..."

All in all, I enjoy moderating the games and giving the PbP to people who do not have the luxury of sitting in front of a tv or listening to a radio for the game. I only hope that people's individual bitterness and resentment doesn't get the best of them because that makes this far less fun for us and then all we have left is BiSB stealing all the good comments for himself (wink wink) and nothing gets through moderation.

See you all for Illinois next week (or maybe not, since it is likely I will be at the PSU Nebraska game/tailgate, good luck to a guest PbP if there is one)


November 5th, 2011 at 4:28 PM ^

I need to know exactly what 5000 people are thinking about us getting a touchdown or a big play. You'd get 4995 posts saying the same exact thing and you wouldn't be able to read that fast anyways.


November 5th, 2011 at 4:34 PM ^

I just went through and counted some comments

64 saying WTF.

72 saying YAY/YES.

45 saying WOW.

27 saying WOOO.

19 saying WHAT.

17 saying what the hell.

13 saying SIGH.

24 saying OMG.

44 saying NO.

98 starting with some variation of the f word.