
September 4th, 2020 at 4:57 PM ^

From what I understand the US presidential election in November will be the most consequential event in human history. COVID will go away, college football will be back and life on earth will be changed either to paradise or living hell depending who wins.



September 4th, 2020 at 4:45 PM ^

A recent update includes the fact that the Pac-12 has come to an agreement with the medical community for rapid COVID-19 testing and results. That’s a game changer for the sport and the entire United States during this age of the pandemic.


Am I crazy or is this a poorly written paragraph, it seems to imply that the Pac 12 has somehow negotiated special rapid COVID testing with the entire medical community. That doesn't make much sense, I think they mean something like this - "The PAC-12 is increasingly optimistic that they will be able to play football this year due to advances in rapid COVID-19 testing and results in the medical community"


September 4th, 2020 at 5:17 PM ^

I read a statement that the Pac 12 wants to coordinate their schedule with the Big 10.  Also, all 4 California schools do not have students on campus this Fall so it’s not clear if the athletes are on campus at all either. 


September 4th, 2020 at 6:30 PM ^

The University of Alabama Covid dashboard and accompanying press release is really a master work of making the best out of the numbers you have to deal with. They had another 846 cases this week bringing their total to 2,047.  There are three time frames on the dashboard (8/19 to 8/24 – 6 days and 562 cases), the second is only 3 days (8/25 to 8/27 with 481 cases) and the last one is 7 days (8/28 to 9/3 with 846 cases).  Not sure why they don’t report daily but locking this down to weekly with an update at 4:30pm on Fridays is completely legit.

Headline is, “The data across the System’s three campuses shows that the UA System Health & Safety Plan is working,” They note that the 846 cases over the last week represents a decline in the daily case rate from the last report (you know, the 3 day one they issued for some reason while the others are a week).  That is true, last 3-day report was 164 per day vs. the 7 day at 124 per day. Ignore combining previous 6 day and 3 day which would give you 115 per day vs. the most recent 7 day at 124.

They do note that yesterday only had 65 new cases which is positive but of course there is no context because that is the only daily value they provide. Also note, no testing numbers to provide an idea if the number is dropping or they just did not test many people on Wednesday.

They also note that, “isolation capacity remains strong, with UA stabilizing under 40%”.  I mean at this point you can guess the actual isolation number….. 39.97%.  I think Baghdad Bob would be proud of this.

On a positive note it looks like UofM has only had 10 cases through 5 days this week.


September 5th, 2020 at 3:14 AM ^

Apparently our president is holding up the October start and is threatening to keep us out even if the rest of the conference plays.