
July 20th, 2011 at 4:07 PM ^

I think Tate needs to forget football and just learn how to be a student. He clearly can't function as both. There's no guarantee you're going to make it to the NFL with your least get a decent education from a good school so you can do something.


July 20th, 2011 at 4:15 PM ^

I'm sure your family can afford tutorial help if you would only take advantage of it while you keep honing your football skills. You've got the ability to be one of the best. I certainly appreciate what you did for Michigan football.


July 20th, 2011 at 5:56 PM ^

I wish him well but come'on...the kid had that "you lift me up coach" moment right after the "Josh-Groban-Kumbaya-Disaster" with RR.  Just a complete douche move.  Next, he cued up that BS of an interview before the bowl game on how he had changed and blah blah blah...He has had plenty of chances to get his head on straight.  T-Wolf was so right about him.  Time to pay the piper and eat some humble pie Tator!


July 20th, 2011 at 6:26 PM ^

I blame this all on Matt Millen.  Once he put the curse of praise on young Tate, calling him "Studbolt!" during the broadcast of that ND was all over.  Praise from Matt Millen = disaster awaiting.


July 20th, 2011 at 9:26 PM ^

He's got big time academic problems, I work in a academic center at a FCS school in northern california keeping kids eligible and I can say with certainty that the only way this kid is such a big academic liability is that he completely screwed up his own situation.

The only way he could be deemed ineligible for the bowl game and then become such a big liability for his next school is that he completely screwed up in a few way:

1.He must have had an ugly freshman year, which would be somewhat understandable as adjusting to college in the first place is hard, much less in a place like Michigan which is not academically easy, and then adjusting to living in a different state, and then being expected to carry the load of a new offense by a coach know for not being very sympathic to young kids' needs.

2. Because of that bad first year, he must of been on some kind of academic probation or special watch list, and knowing what kind of reporting system we have at my school, I'm sure UM's support system for its student-athletes is just as good, meaning I'm sure he had at least one personal academic mentor within the student-athlete academic center who then had at least one supervisor asking him every other day how Tate was doing and then performing grade checks and most likely speaking personally to his teachers. So even with this amount of support he was still screwing up. (Once again I have no personal knowledge of UM's academic support system, but this is what we do at my school which has nowhere near the same resources or standards as UM so I feel it is safe to assume UM has the same if not more support practices).

3. Because of the attention paid to him by the athletic department I'm sure he worked up quite a reputation for himself amongst the faculty who I'm sure don't like to give breaks to athletes, so he was on double watch.

4. He then proceeded not to go to class, do any homework, not show up for tests, and ignore any advances from his teachers (if there were any). This would have the effect of his teachers giving him straight F's (or E's as we do at UM) instead of incompletes which would help facilitate his transfers much easier.

5. He therefore must of been lying to his mentor, teachers, and coaches about his schoolwork and burnt every last bridge at UM.

6. Talk to any regular student who has had similar academic trouble with UM and they can tell you they can be rather vindictive to students who burn bridges and make it hard for them to find a new school.

7.  Add this all up and Tate has dug himself a very deep hole which his athletic ability will not help him get out of, and he has put himself in this position.

8. Finally if UH denied him so quickly he must have serious issues, this the same school who took in Colt Brennan who had much more serious problems AFTER he went to a JC so it seems like Tate has few other options if any.