OT: Talking Unsolved Legends / Events Wednesday - The Missing Sodder Children

Submitted by Eli on July 17th, 2019 at 10:14 AM

Happy Hump Day Everyone! 

Today let’s talk about the missing Sodder children. 

For those that don’t know the story here’s the skinny....

The home of George Sodder of Fayetteville, WV went up in flames on Christmas Eve 1945. Him, his wife and 9 children were home at the time. 4 of the children and him and his wife made it out safely, but 5 didn’t, or did they? 

George tried to rescue the other 5, but could not get into the portion of the house they were sleeping in. The response time of the fire department was poor and when the house was inspected they could not find the remains of the 5 children. It was thought that skeletal remains would have been found, but nothing ever was. Similar instances have always turned up bones.

George was outspoken about his hatred for Mussolini and being an Italian immigrant, many believed the Italian mob was upset with him. Some mysterious things happened leading up to the fire and after. I’ll cover a few, you can look more up if interested.

Before -  A traveling insurance man tried to sell George life insurance and when George refused the man was angry and told him his house and children would burn or something to that effect.

A woman called a short time before the fire and Mrs. Sodder heard laughing and glasses clinking in the background. The woman claimed to have a wrong number (not sure why, but this is chilling to me)

Mrs. Sodder heard something hit the roof shortly before the fire, but just went back to bed.


After - The state refused to let the FBI help, despite J Edgar Hoover telling Mr. Sodder they would if asked.

About 20 years later the family received an envelope with a picture containing what looked like one of their sons grown up, but believed to be dead years earlier. 

Many people stepped forward claiming to see the 5 children shortly after the fire, one even saying she saw them driven away as the house was on fire.


There are several more mysteries surrounding this. I personally feel the children were kidnapped then the house set on fire. If not, this was a horrific troll job by many people leading up to and after the fire.

What do you all think happened? 



July 17th, 2019 at 10:19 AM ^

Thanks, haven't heard of this one before.  I agree bones should have been found. What were the ages of the 5 missing children?  If all young, it could explain why none of them ever came forward.


July 17th, 2019 at 10:21 AM ^

suggestion for next week though its not quite 'unsolved' but it has a U of M connection: Loeb and Leopold murder



July 17th, 2019 at 12:11 PM ^

The murder of Bobby Franks has at least two connections to UM. Richard Loeb was a graduate of UM (at 17 years of age).  Clarence Darrow, who defended Leopold and Loeb, attended UM Law School (but did not earn a degree).


July 17th, 2019 at 10:27 AM ^

as to no bones found, a fire hot enough would make those poor children into dust - think: cremation by house fire.  sad, but not surprising. 


July 17th, 2019 at 10:46 AM ^

Occam's razor is no fun.  

Way better to speculate that the angry insurance salesman threw something burning at the house shortly after the scary wrong number lady was toasting the impending kidnapping of 5 of their 9 children so that 20 years later they could send a random pic of one of them to the parents.

Stuck in Ohio

July 17th, 2019 at 10:55 AM ^

A house fire would not turn the bones into "dust". The actual process of cremation in a crematory does not reduce bones to dust either. Bones are what is left over after the process. They are then mechanically pulverized. Short answer with all due respect to xtramelanin is that bones would be left over after a house fire.

I know this because I have been a licensed funeral director for 33 years and the current funeral home company I work for owns two crematories in addition to their funeral homes.


July 17th, 2019 at 1:43 PM ^

you were very gracious about it.  it occurs that i never have handled an arson-homicide like the one described in the OP.  lots of others, but not an actual burning of a body.  

incidentally, sorry you are stuck in ohio.  is there anything we can do to get you back to the homeland?  i have at least two folks/friends who own or run large (by northern michigan standards) funeral home 'chains'.  send me a resume, i could make a call...

Stuck in Ohio

July 17th, 2019 at 2:02 PM ^

Thanks for the offer. I probably know your friends in Northern Michigan. Actually, my wife and I are happy here. We live in the Youngstown area. Cost of living is ridiculously cheap. I get back to Michigan frequently to deal with my elderly parents and I still have my football season tickets and go to every home game.. When I retire in four or five years we will probably move back. I've got a pretty good gig here. Work mon-Fri and can pretty much come and go as I please. I don't miss doing the funeral directing thing....on call nights, weekends, holidays got pretty wearing on me. In fact next year I probably will not renew my Michigan license to practice anymore.


July 17th, 2019 at 11:02 AM ^

If the 5 other kids survived, surely one of them would have tracked down the parents when into adulthood... no chance they all had amnesia. None.  So the envelope photo 20 years from now, was likely some sick redneck playing a joke. There weren't many italian immigrants in redneck West Va, especially in the 1940s, so I wonder if this were a hate crime, especially if the multiple kids were unruly.


BUT... if some of this info is true... http://darkmatter69.blogspot.com/2018/12/1n-1945-christmas-even-fire-destroyed.html

then I'd chalk it up to perhaps the mob controlled trucking tied in with an old world beef back in Sardinia... if they controlled it, that is, back in 1945.  Read about the cut telephone wires. The smoking gun?  Sodder was from Sardinia, (I'm going there next month), and the mob is f**king nuts there. I think Sodder hasn't been fully open here.

Monkey House

July 17th, 2019 at 11:04 AM ^

I'm in Fayetteville often, New River Gorge is the prettiest place in the midwest in my opinion,  and people still talk about this case. Almost nobody believes the children died in the fire. Its definitely an interesting case


July 17th, 2019 at 11:10 AM ^

Never heard of this one, definitely will read up on it today! Was really hoping there was a Bedtime Stories video on this topic but alas there is not. That guy's voice is fantastic.

Anyway, here's a link to the Wikipedia page: LINK

L'Carpetron Do…

July 17th, 2019 at 11:31 AM ^

Was it you that mentioned Bedtime Stories on here a few weeks ago? Now I'm into it. Some of them are a bit annoying - they'll tell an entire spooky, compelling story but then say, 'did this ever happen? there's no evidence to suggest it did' and then I say 'goddamn it'. But most of it is pretty good - I dig it.

You Only Live Twice

July 17th, 2019 at 11:43 AM ^

So many weird circumstances.  Arson and a hate crime (and a system that exacerbated the crime) but the children probably died in the fire.  Sad.


July 17th, 2019 at 11:58 AM ^

The most likely solution sure seems to be death in a fire, but the lack of any skeletal remains is a big pause for me more than anything else

Brian Griese

July 17th, 2019 at 2:18 PM ^

This is one of the most bizarre cases, right up there with Brian Shaffer and Jason Jolkowski (OP: either would make great discussion threads for next time). 

The evidence points towards arson, certainly. But I struggle with one thing: one daughter slept on the couch that night on the first level near the door. All the children that went missing were “upstairs”. I find it hard to believe a kidnapper set-up a ladder, climbed up it, got inside (middle of winter) a presumably closed window and took multiple kids outside without making a large noise or having a single child scream or run away. And if they did come in the front door, why didn’t they take the daughter asleep right by it or wake her up?

Truly bizarre.