OT(?) - Ironic Street Intersection

Submitted by Purkinje on

I was unfortunately driving around in Ohio last week (my girlfriend's Armpit-dwelling great grandmother was celebrating her 95th birthday) and I discovered this ironic intersection. On a related note, I never realized that there were so many open Blue fans in Ohio. Everywhere I went, I would see the occasional Michigan flag or bumper sticker or shirt. I was surprised; I certainly never see any scarlet garbage laying around here in Michigan.



August 30th, 2010 at 3:46 PM ^

If Michigan were properly placed on top of the Buckeye sign. Oh well, since its Oohi and everything is backwards I guess I should treat it like opposite world where bottom is better than top.


August 30th, 2010 at 5:05 PM ^

of Richmond (VA) there is an intersection of Cox and Broad.  Not far away is the intersection of Cox and Nuckols.  It's nice to have a back-up plan, in case you miss your intended route.


August 30th, 2010 at 7:58 PM ^

Church street out in chelsea area runs into hell michigan.  I also thought that was funny that the perfect time to start our captains meeting while heading to cedar point is a sign before the i80/i90 turnpike on 280 with the 420 highway symbol on it.


August 31st, 2010 at 3:01 AM ^

Michigan is easily the second most popular team in Ohio. Especially in the area between Toledo and Findlay, where it might be as high as half and half. Even when you get into Columbus and Cleveland you can still see a fair number of people representing Michigan. Maybe they (or someone close to them) is an alum, maybe they just want to be dicks... who knows. I don't think the street sign is intentional. If it were it would probably say "Wolverine" and "Buckeye" or "Woody" and "Bo" or something. There are a lot of streets with Michigan in the name around the midwest... there's a Detroit Street in Columbus... so it's probably just a funny coincidence.