OT: Gene Editing and Smart Monkeys - Planet of the Apes?

Submitted by RGard on April 11th, 2019 at 11:15 AM

Personally I use ALZ-112, but that's expensive even with full Blue Cross/Blue Shield coverage.  This is hope for our other simian brothers and sisters.

Scientists put human gene into monkeys to make them smarter, human-like


In reality I'm thinking this isn't such a great idea.

Yep, I'm taking advantage of this OT time of year.


April 11th, 2019 at 11:21 AM ^

Of no purpose, but suddenly there are Zoo adds all over Mgoblog's periphery (this article mentions monkey so we are blessed with zoo adds). I think inviting algorithm companies to invade every aspect of our digital lives carriers a more clear risk to humanity than a faster banana peeling primate.

Chalky White

April 11th, 2019 at 11:22 AM ^

There is no such thing as full BCBS coverage. Depending on the size of your comoany, you get whatever your employer buys. You will have an assortment of copays and certain services not covered in purpose.

Self funded insurance is a whole different animal. If you ever decide you want to become a woman, you want to work for U of M. It's free as in full coverage.  U of M also covers $20K for In vitro fertilization. This is what happens to all of that tuition money.

The Mad Hatter

April 11th, 2019 at 12:01 PM ^

Self funded insurance should be illegal.  I used to have GREAT company provided coverage.  Reasonable payments, no coinsurance or deductibles, and reasonable co-pays.  When the ACA passed my employer took the opportunity to change our 6 plans to 2, and jack up costs through the damn roof.

If only my company would pay me the $ they kick in towards my insurance, I could get a WAY better plan with much better coverage on the insurance exchange.  For less money.  Without the subsidy.

The Mad Hatter

April 11th, 2019 at 12:45 PM ^

I now spend more on healthcare than I do on my house (mortgage, taxes, and insurance).  The costs are absolutely killing me. 

My plan doesn't cover anything for mental health until we hit a 3k deductible.  That's simply not affordable for many middle and working class people.  So people self-medicate with booze and opiates, because it's cheaper.

Lou MacAdoo

April 11th, 2019 at 1:07 PM ^

The wife and I have to be on our own plans and they're both 5k high deductible. Between an unexpected broken bone and auto immune diagnosis I met mine. An hour long surgery to put two screws in a shoulder will cost $45k in itself.

Between the wife and kids various things they met there's as well. $450 for a throat swab. A 45 minute visit to the ER for a two year old's dislocated elbow that takes literally 5 seconds to fix will cost you $2k. The bill was coded for use of a surgeon and surgical room. Despite it being the same as any other ER visit we've had. Multiple phone calls and written letters were issued on our behalf just to receive the old nothing to see here, F off.

Bam, 10k in medical debt for 2018 and now we start all over again. Meanwhile the two nonprofit healthcare providers have bought up every piece of prime real estate in our area to build new hospitals and urgent cares. 

I don't know the answer, but right now a lot of us are just praying we don't have to ever visit a doctor again. Not that I have anything against them though as they were all wonderful people that helped us in our time of need and did great work. Thank God we at least have insurance or we'd be $70-80k in debt.  

Chalky White

April 11th, 2019 at 12:44 PM ^

The funny thing is if ACA was repealed, you would still have the same shitty insurance you have now. I bet it never goes back. Like when the price of gas went up, all food packaging for smaller. The price of gas went down and my ice cream is still half the size it was compared to the way it was before the economy tanked. 


Self funded insurance gives these companies the ability to offer some of the most bizarre stuff you can imagine. One of the power companies had a benefit that limited hospice days. Of you don't die in the allowed time, oh well you're out of luck. I'm the case of U of M, they can offer some extremely liberal benefits. They don't care. The students pay for it.

The Mad Hatter

April 11th, 2019 at 12:48 PM ^

I was fine with the ACA being passed.  It provided insurance to people that needed it and couldn't get it any other way.  I just wish they had made the ACA regulations apply to all plans, including self-funded insurance.  And some cost controls would have been nice.

I did the math recently.  You could double my federal taxes to pay for single payer healthcare and I'd still come out ahead. 


April 11th, 2019 at 1:11 PM ^

it is funny re: looking like your avatar.  i mean, if/when i ever meet EYB, EM, boliver, madhatter, et al, if they don't  look like their avatars i won't believe its them.  and rgard, well, he better have a primate-picture ID ready.

SMart WolveFan

April 11th, 2019 at 12:27 PM ^

Well technically, Zombiism is the voodooistic control of the undead, who can easily be defined as those whose bodies move but who aren't really alive.

I will conveniently use the example of millions of people staring at smart phones being the controlled undead, now we're just waiting on a Carrington Level Event and once the power goes down.....

..careful what you hope for.

SMart WolveFan

April 11th, 2019 at 1:31 PM ^

Cool, but I never said the dead where brought back, actually the opposite:

that many of those "alive" act as if they where never here in the first place.

Plus, what I did was redefine the "undead" concept to also mean those who have never been biologically without life but, at the same time, have never really lived. than I changed the method of control as an unnaturally occurring substance called "smart phones".

Zombies are coming!