
September 4th, 2019 at 8:44 AM ^

I respect Army

hope we bring their football team

a death with honor


Thank you to Cadets

Who serve our country, but let's

never play again


September 4th, 2019 at 9:57 AM ^

Because of a partially torn Acl before there was a fix, I wasn’t able to serve. They sniffed it out in Detroit during my physical and it broke my heart. My grandad stormed a beach during ww2 so I have nothing but the utmost respect for these guys. They have way more going on than the average college athlete. That said, I hope we leave little doubt on the field and Harbaugh keeps his foot on the gas throughout. 


September 4th, 2019 at 10:06 AM ^

Support the Army - 
Wait, no, you're doing it wrong!
Not on the gridiron!

Once in a blue moon
You see the rarest event:
An Army pass play.

For one game, at least
Conservation of fullbacks
is a physics law.


September 4th, 2019 at 2:30 PM ^

Another Game to

Perfect the "D" and the "O"

Please, no one get hurt


HONOR our soldiers

They lay it all on the line

Many don't come home.


They fight for freedom

To keep terrorists at bay

Keeping us safe, at home