META: What Wallpaper You Got?

Submitted by UMAmaizinBlue on

We're nearly a week away, and I know a lot of you love the wallpapers posted on this here blog. I'm always excited to update my background each season (sometimes multiple times per season), and this year's batch of backgrounds hasn't disappointed.


What I want to know is, what wallpaper are you going with for kickoff? Personally, I'm rocking this gem from Blue and Joe:


Post which wallpaper you're going with. If you haven't changed yours yet, then you have 7 days to get it together! Those posted to the board/diaries for reference:


[And if you have Michigan-themed wallpaper in your house, then go ahead and share that too: OT season is almost over.]


August 26th, 2016 at 1:30 PM ^

Well actually we used an old school projector. Traced the M onto a clear sheet, then projected it onto the wall. Then I used a level to keep everything straight. Looks kind of distorted on this angle, but it's all even throughout. The paint used was Behr Very Navy and Behr Sunny Side Up. Found that from an old thread about official paint colors in the forums.

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August 26th, 2016 at 1:06 PM ^

For old game week wallpapers, I recommend

If that guy is reading this, I hope you do something for the 2016 season.