[META] Intrusive Macaroni Ad

Submitted by Wolverheel on November 18th, 2019 at 10:30 AM

For the past couple days every time I open a new page on the blog with my phone I’m treated to this:

This wouldn’t be a big problem, but A) The little ‘X’ button has a pretty much nonexistent zone of effectiveness and I’m always directed to the ad, which then reappears the next time I load a new page and B) it’s too soon after the Dave Brandon Michigan Stadium noodle for this.

I have no clue if Seth and Co. are able to disable specific advertisers with whatever system they use, but if they can this would be a good one to do so with because it’s making the site borderline unreadable for me on mobile.


November 18th, 2019 at 10:37 AM ^

Yeah, I started getting that, too. Noticed it for the first time over the weekend. I also started getting ads that I can't hide when trying to post a comment. If I minimize the ad it also hides the comment box. I'm strongly considering switching to a mobile browser that allows ad blocking because it's getting ridiculous.


November 18th, 2019 at 11:48 AM ^

Yep. The yelling-in-your-face ads here have reached a point where the remarkable content isn't worth contending with them. It's either ad blocker or way less visits.

I don't begrudge the crew their right to make $$$. Just do it in a way that doesn't make the site nav and controls inaccessible and/or fill the entire freaking screen blotting out all the content.


November 18th, 2019 at 10:53 AM ^

How much would a "premium" version of this website with zero ads cost? It's getting to the point where it's unreadable with ads, but I feel guilty using adblock. I'd rather just give money directly than have them fund the site through (shitty) advertising. 


November 18th, 2019 at 12:13 PM ^


this was the thread.

From Seth:

There are a lot of factors to calculate so it's best to do it by time. Figure the ads you see are $3/thousand (depreciating if you click a lot) and they'll change every time you reload the page, or automatically every 30 seconds. Also figure Paypal will take 10% off the top.

Conservatively I'd guess a regular reader is about $5/month annually, some are up to $20, and most of our flyby readers are in the $0.35 to $1.00 range.

We're looking into a membership thing that would serve the site without ads, plus a book and a shirt every year. We won't lock any content behind a paywall though.


November 18th, 2019 at 10:55 AM ^

I googled garden gnomes a few months back, because I really need one in my back yard.  Now the Toscano garden stuff is my main advertisement here.


November 18th, 2019 at 11:02 AM ^

I currently have a Walgreens ad up top and "celebrate with the Spartans" (which is deliciously ironic) down below, so essentially I have this really awesome, almost zero bezel iPhone, but minus the ads I really have the equivalent of an iPhone 3. 

I understand the math but man I really hate it. I've been following the blog for 12 years so I can't really bail now but if I were new I don't think I'd stick around. Absolutely obnoxious. 


November 18th, 2019 at 11:11 AM ^

shapes always fall short of the standard elbow noodle in both texture and taste (oddly, could be mental).

but my favorite is the velveeta shell.