META: How is there no Hello: Denard post?

Submitted by BostonWolverine on March 8th, 2022 at 3:16 PM

I understand there's a lot going on, between Howard's suspension, Michigan's wins against MSU and OSU, and hockey fun. BUT...this is a blog that made its bones on the fleet feet of one Denard Xavier Robinson. To the point that Brian named his son after him! 

Denard's homecoming would be, I thought, a watershed moment for this blog and its writers. But here we are, almost 2 full weeks after the announcement, and nothing. I've come back to the blog every day thinking "Brian probably just needed to get his thoughts together", which turned into "Hopefully they'll at least put up the announcement." 

If nothing else, this seemed like an opportunity for the team to do some passionate writing about Shoelace. So I guess what my real question here is: What gives? 


March 8th, 2022 at 3:30 PM ^

I'm guessing they will get to it eventually.  It's not super urgent now, so no rush.  IIRC, the Brady Hoke "obituary" post was like 10 months after his firing. 


March 8th, 2022 at 3:32 PM ^

DRob Hello???  

Yeah, I thought there would be one, also.  But you know, how many coaching hello's have we had?  Not many...  He did get a front page post, though.


March 8th, 2022 at 3:58 PM ^

rob f: that's an mgoboard post. I'm talking about a blog post by the writers of the blog. 

1VaBlue1: I don't think Denard got a front page post. I looked, and didn't see one. If there is one, please link me. 


March 8th, 2022 at 5:08 PM ^

I don't remember a dedicated post either - I think it was actually rolled into something else, if I remember correctly, getting a mention but not exactly a "front page, bold type" (pardon the Billy Joel reference) sort of mention. I do believe it happened in the middle of other things, so that might be why.


Marshmellow in Tuba

March 8th, 2022 at 5:27 PM ^

Here, let me help you with that.

This Blog gives absolutely no love to Tom Frickin' Brady. TB12. Almost nothing. EVER. And never has. And never will.

Denard is probably our second best football alum and barely gets a mention as he re-enters the fold. Shouldn't be a surprise. Sure Brian loved him. We all loved him. But apparently that doesn't matter.

MgoBlog's readership would much rather read about Caitlin Clark's beatdown of our beloved lady cagers or that Alex Storako and Meghan Beaubien are coming back to be our softball aces again.

That is the way MgoBlog was and the way it used to be and we like it! (


March 9th, 2022 at 10:39 AM ^

MRunner73: I saw the board post. I'm talking about a BLOG post. For crying out loud, it's in the text and it's mentioned in the thread twice. Check in more often with the thread you're commenting on.