Jim Minick arrest video released

Submitted by Blueblood2991 on

The Freep released the arrest video of Jim Minick.  I was expecting a lot worse after it was being reported that Jim was "fall down drunk".  A whole lot of nothing until the end of the video when Jim refuses the breathalyzer.  The cop told him if he refused it would result in a civil infraction.  My guess is Jim didn't know the automatic suspension and whatnot that went along with it.

Feel free to delete, as I know this topic has been already been debated a lot.  Figured I'd post incase anyone was interested.

EDIT: As much as I hate to link to the Freep, embed is being goofy. http://www.freep.com/story/sports/college/university-michigan/wolverines/2015/07/21/jim-minick-arrest-video-michigan/30468363/



July 21st, 2015 at 5:37 PM ^

If you look at the headlines of what they wrote, they said he was falling on his face drunk at the time of the arrest which is false now that we can see with our own two eyes. They sensationalized what happened. If they just said he was arrested for a DUI and refused a breathalyzer, they would be factual.


July 21st, 2015 at 5:19 PM ^

If this post will get past 150 comments?  My vote is yes.  Already off to a great start with the chewing tobacco part.


July 21st, 2015 at 5:25 PM ^

Why continue to try and publicly embarrass this man and the University? Have you ever served your country? Or the University? Get a life. I wish I had video of your pathetic ass making each mistake you did throughout your life so I could post it. Loser.


July 21st, 2015 at 6:39 PM ^

Only this mistake puts everyone's lives in danger. If someone makes a "mistake" and kills someone I love I wouldn't consider it your everyday bad decision. 


July 21st, 2015 at 6:59 PM ^

He served our country! That inherently makes one man better than another man. /s Not calling for his head. People make mistakes. If anyone one of us made a mistake like this, we might be able to deal with it in obscurity and I'm glad Harbaugh showed compassion and have him another chance, but using his service to the country (like the guy 20 posts from here did) as a reason no one can say anything negative or funny about what happened is silly. What if Joey Gladstone served our country, would it be insulting to say he looked like Dave Coulier?

Optimism Attache

July 21st, 2015 at 10:46 PM ^

This is not a totally objective view, I realize, but if two people have the exact same profile except one had defended the country through some military service, I'd say he's a little better from a resume perspective. I'd say the same thing for a peace corps volunteer, too (of course I'm biased on that, having served myself after college). It's just the idea that someone has served his or her country.


July 21st, 2015 at 5:40 PM ^


We lost the president of my high school class to a drunk driving accident. He would have been a Wolverine. Drunk driving bad, just don't do it, m'kay?


July 21st, 2015 at 7:07 PM ^

Opinions, People Have Them
Young people deserve second chances as do many other situations. A retired military guy with a new job working for his friend, maybe not. He knows better. When he took the job he should have understood that being a great role model was a top priority. Is it now OK for every member of the AD to get a DUI before action is taken by Hackett. Harbaugh could of sent a great message if he fired Minick. Have to say I'm disappointed Harbaugh passed the buck up to the AD avoiding his responsibility.

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July 21st, 2015 at 7:31 PM ^

If Harbaugh fired him, he'd also send the message that no one can get better. I like it better if we let people learn from their mistakes than just getting rid of them and letting other people deal with it. I like that Harbaugh can relate to players who have gotten in trouble and say "I did the same thing and it was stupid to do but I learned from it and haven't driven drunk since then. You can do the same."

East German Judge

July 21st, 2015 at 7:34 PM ^

What he did was incredibly stupid, dangerous, and selfish as many people could have been killed or injured AND it was probably not the first time he has done this, probably just the first time he has been caught.  That being said, he did get caught and luckily no one else was harmed by him AND he offered his resignation, which was turned down.  Now, if someone was hurt or killed, I would have no problem throwing the book at him HARD, so yes he got off lucky in that this did not happen.

So is the goal to skewer both Jim Minick and Jim Hackett over this?  If so, people are free to express their outrage and opinion and send President Schlissel emails that both should be fired.  And yes, I have grip as I realize that people are not perfect and hopefully only occassionally screw up this badly.

East German Judge

July 21st, 2015 at 5:55 PM ^

I have no desire to see the video (and fuck the freep) unless some huge revelation came out like the Ray Rice video.  Short of that, this issue has come and gone as far as I am concerned.  I am in no way trying to downplay the seriousness of this, but this has been addressed and we do not need to be voyeurs and learn about his tobacco habits, etc.  Would rather spend quality time debating jorts, the right color of maize and does Adidas have a chance in 2027.

chrysler buckeye

July 21st, 2015 at 6:51 PM ^

If he killed or injured someone, he should be raked over the coals. His service record is no excuse, except for the dipping. We all did it, not sure why but its the truth. Anyway, even i'm sick of these threads. As long as he doesn't get another one, he learned a valuable lesson and got lucky.


July 21st, 2015 at 6:57 PM ^

So, Minick is a Coach?
That is what he told the cops along with his dad being a sheriff(which is true). Perhaps trying to get the cops to let him off? Was there any evidence that another car was involved? The problem with the decision to keep Minick, is the new low standard that has been set-lying to police and DUI is OK for future incidents in the AD. Not good.

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Avon Barksdale

July 21st, 2015 at 7:18 PM ^

There was no evidence of another car. A little farther on in the video the cop asks, "What are you doing at work tomorrow -- drawing plays or something?" Minick responds, "No, I'm the Associate AD."

I actually think he was just trying to be simplistic in his answers with the "Yeah, I'm a coach." I do the same thing when I've been drinking.