Home and home with PAC12 opponent in 2014?

Submitted by unWavering on

I haven't seen this posted yet, but the Detroit News is reporting that Dave Brandon has something in the works to possibly schedule a home and home with a PAC12 school starting in 2014.  This would be interesting, especially considering we already have an agreement to start playing home-and-homes with the PAC12 annually starting in 2017

Michigan athletic director Dave Brandon told me this week he is looking at a couple proposals and should have something to announce within the next few weeks. He indicated one option is scheduling a home game with a Pac-12 team — there are two open dates on Michigan's 2014 schedule — or a home-and-home, or even both options.

No word on what the other proposal may be, but I'm intrigued.  



May 7th, 2012 at 6:39 PM ^

If Brandon is unhappy having to go to UConn for a road game, I'm guessing Brandon isn't looking at making a trip to Utah.  While it's stadium is probably bigger than UConn, it probably doesn't hold that much (neither does Colorado's unless they move the game to where the Bronco's play).


May 7th, 2012 at 6:40 PM ^

If Brandon is unhappy having to go to UConn for a road game, I'm guessing Brandon isn't looking at making a trip to Utah.  While it's stadium is probably bigger than UConn, it probably doesn't hold that much (neither does Colorado's unless they move the game to where the Bronco's play).


May 7th, 2012 at 5:48 PM ^

I really like the idea of our program going into its fourth season under Hoke having a crack at USC or Stanford actually. Both schools seem to be loading up on 4 and 5 star talent, if their recruiting trends hold for 2013 anyway (neither has 17 commits yet, of course, but their commits to date look pretty damn good), and I think that these could be great games by  the time 2014 rolls around with the team we'll likely have coming into that timeframe. 


May 8th, 2012 at 9:44 AM ^

And you already let slip you're not a U-M fan like you claim above-


LOL. Enjoy your acc opponent. I will remember you when you kick off against Alabama in 2012.


You may be stupid, but the rest of us aren't. The only people you're fooling with your "game" are the mods, who for some reason haven't banned you yet.


May 8th, 2012 at 9:57 AM ^

What exactly has been ban worthy?  I'm not following you here.  Telling another poster to enjoy an ACC opponent or that I will think of them on the home opener (because of something silly they said) is bannable?


And every post I make is about MSU?  Have you SEEN this board over the last couple years? There are constant MSU/"Little Brother"/"Sparty"/Updates on something their athletics departments or players are doing... face it, this board brings them up regularly.  Don't single me out for discussing them after they're brought up by other posters (validated by the fact that I never start my own threads). 


May 8th, 2012 at 1:38 PM ^

But for being an MSU troll who has repeatedly tried to pretend to be a Michigan fan. That's pretty much the definition of trolling. There are a number of MSU (and OSU) posters on here to present contrary opinions in threads about their teams. None of them are  lying about it and trying to pull a fast one to be snarky.

What THIS posts says is you refer to fans of Michigan as someone else. So you're not a Michigan fan. Maybe you were drinking when you let this one slip.  I think there were others, but a simple search only comes up with so much.  And if you're NOT  a Michigan fan...as you've lied about, repeatedly, and everything you post about is MSU-related...do I really need to connect these dots for you?

You're mistaking the (fluid terminology) of "post" and "thread"...which to be fair aren't clearly defined. I wasn't saying you start new threads on the Board about MSU.  I'm saying every individual post you make in every thread/post you post in is about MSU. Defending everything about them. Sometimes with decent reason. It's obvious you know stuff about MSU that only someone who follows them would...or someone who cares about them would post. You're not talking about other programs...or even Michigan, really, except in how they compare/refer to MSU. 

You are not a Michigan fan. You are a liar. And not a very good one. Your only purpose is to tweek Michigan fans by pretending to be what you're not.


May 8th, 2012 at 2:40 PM ^

Saying it enough times doesn't make it true.  You're stretching. As I already said in that post I said "your" as in that particular poster.  YOU keep saying I meant something else.  You say I meant all UM fans, I say I meant one particular poster in that thread.  There is no way to prove either so why you think you're right by default doesn't make sense. 


You're the one saying I've "lied repeatedly" but when I ask you to prove it all you can say is "a search only comes up with so much".  Ok, so just admit you have nothing and stop smearing me.  You're alleging a lot of things (me lying, repeated lies, only posting about MSU...) but you're proving nothing. And like you said, IF all I post in are threads about MSU then why are you singling me out?  You're singling out the reaction, not the action.  Why don't you get equally upset over everyone else who is mentioning MSU and leave me alone?  


Just because you spout off things with more confidence (little snide, direct accusations like "You are not a Michigan fan. You are a liar.") doesn't make it any more true.  You can bold it, underline it, type it all in caps lock but it doesn't make it any more true. I think you're just mad you aren't bothering me and I rubbed your face in it by shooting down your ONE example of something I posted. 


May 8th, 2012 at 7:44 PM ^

Because your supposed team was playing them. To mean otherwise either show dishonesty or a poor grasps of the English language. Want me to prove that all you post about is MSU? Click on your username, look at all your posts. They're all there. Show posts that aren't 95%+ about MSU. You can't. That's all the proof in the world. And you denying it is further evidence that if Beachbum69 is typing, he's lying. You want to play the "proof game", prove you're a Michigan fan. Because no one is buying it anymore. Anyone to only cares about one subject on a board is annoying. And gets called out on it. But at least they care about Michigan topics with single-mindedness. Why don't I care about the MSU threads? Well, they often are criticized, but they're posts by Michigan fans. There are numerous MSU fans who make legitimate points on here, and they're not trying to pretend to be something they're not like whatever childish game you're playing. You haven't disproved anything, there are numerous posts by various posters who are respected calling you out on it (funny how multiple people all got the same idea even though you "didn't post it"), so you're not fooling anybody, you are just making your fanbase look even worse, and coming off as pathetic.

Perkis-Size Me

May 7th, 2012 at 9:37 PM ^

I see a Stanford matchup. Their football program as a whole is clearly on the rise, both schools have great academic and athletic tradition. It just makes sense. But I'd be happy with USC. A night game matchup against them would be complete bedlam. Plus, I think a UM win over USC is long overdue.


May 8th, 2012 at 11:16 AM ^

To echo a lot of what has been said here, Stanford would be a good matchup. Do a home-and-home for 2014-2015, take 2016 off (or schedule a big mid-major at home like Boise State), then start 2017 with the original plan.