Harbaugh tweet directed at Butch Jones

Submitted by Candor for Sale on

Harbaugh is out here slaying everyone.


Suggestion to my Rocky Top colleague, rather than lunch in Florida you might spend your time and focus attending to your present team.

— Coach Harbaugh (@CoachJim4UM) March 3, 2016

In reply to by ijohnb


March 3rd, 2016 at 2:45 PM ^

I don't totally disagree with you, but that's just him, man. He's going to go overboard in quite literally everything he does, for better or worse. It's unique, no doubt, but it's also not changing.

In reply to by ijohnb


March 3rd, 2016 at 2:46 PM ^

You are one of he few people who think this is overboard because you regularly take a contrarian viewpoint just so you can have a different viewpoint. Basically, you are a dick who likes to argue. And I'm not really sure you're a Michigan fan, so that probably explains it

In reply to by ijohnb


March 3rd, 2016 at 4:42 PM ^

There is nothing in any of my posts to suggest I'm worked up in the least. Troll on

In reply to by ijohnb

dipshit moron

March 3rd, 2016 at 2:51 PM ^

everyone who thinks harbaugh should reign it in remember this. he is only responding to other peoples stupid comments or reactions to what he does. he has that right. 

     i think alot of you got used to hoke who never stood up for himself and never had an original idea in his life. this is how you dont get bullied in life. lead  instead of follow and dont let people f*** aroumd with you.

In reply to by dipshit moron


March 3rd, 2016 at 3:23 PM ^

Been dying for a coach who will respond as Harbaugh has, rather than what we had to witness when Hoke was apologizing for players driving a stake in the ground at MSU. It also helps that Harbaugh has built a team that can hold their own on the field too.


March 3rd, 2016 at 4:24 PM ^

(who knows, maybe he just added that in the past 24 hours) --- and he's referred to ChadTough a couple times in other Tweets over the last 2 years.



Take it FWIW.  I don't know, doesn't seem like there is history here.

In reply to by ijohnb

Pepto Bismol

March 3rd, 2016 at 2:51 PM ^

Harbaugh's definitely got this thing cranked up to 11.  I'm entertained as all hell and absolutely love this guy.  Not just for his coaching ability, but for how he's shoved Michigan straight to the front of the line in college football.

That said, yeah, with a few of these things I catch myself cringing - just for a second - before giggling about how bad-ass Harbaugh is and watching the twitter world go bananas.  I don't know what exactly it would take to 'jump the shark' with this stuff, but I'm definitely not there yet. 

In reply to by ijohnb


March 3rd, 2016 at 3:53 PM ^

I live in Cincinnati and follow the Bearcats ---- I have no love lost for Jones from his time at UC and I think he is a bit of a skunk/pig ----- but his tweet about lunch was pretty light-hearted.  A 0.5 on a "scale from 0 to 10."  JH's response basically turned that dial up to 9 (or beyond).

Which is fine.  But it IS sometimes more pragmatic and prudent to just say "no comment" and avoid any and all potential minefields.  With my own school,  when November 2011 hit and Joe Paterno was fired, I recall other coaches nearly 100% universally saying"no comment" (in so many words) if/when asked about the situation.  Like that situation, UT/Butch is going to resolve itself in due time anyway.  Just avoid pissing matches with skunks and mud wrestling matches with pigs.

In reply to by ijohnb

Franz Schubert

March 3rd, 2016 at 5:11 PM ^

Where you stop being a pussy? Harbaugh is a badass, he doesnt suffer fools lightly. He is responding to someone who poked at him first and he isn't going to play. You can either love the fact that he is awesome and don't back down from anyone or anything or you can continue to post your pussified concerns. Why are you so compelled to keep posting these concerns in all of these threads, we get it you are concerned.

Franz Schubert

March 3rd, 2016 at 8:33 PM ^

Is to stop posting concern trolling posts. The repeated concern posts, a pattern is the reason for my response. Thus the question of what's fueling the compulsion to repeatedly make these posts. BTW I upvoted your post.


March 4th, 2016 at 5:41 AM ^

have not "repeatedly" made these posts. I have said something on two occasions. You don't think I can both A) think Harbaugh is a badass and B) think that "FACE" tweeting Butch Jones after not saying shit to Dantonio and Beilema is not the best look? And you live in a world where you still call people pussies and say pusified? Let me ask you something, do yotu think "twitter-fights" are a good example for recruits and players? To clarify your position, you think twitter fights reflect on a person's toughness or courage? Should the players follow his lead in this regard? Everybody views him as a deity who can do know wrong. Personally, I think this shit has got away from him a bit and he should dial it back for a month or so. He has everybody's attention, now it is starting to get odd.

In reply to by ijohnb

Doctor What

March 3rd, 2016 at 6:18 PM ^

There is a law of thermal dynamics that says if the heats on somebody else, it's not on you. Harbaugh is a big boy and doesn't mind taking the heat. 

Not to mention being punched without punching back isn't modeling what he expects from his team. Hit first and keep hitting. Just knowing their coach is a scrapper makes his team scrappier and want to run through walls for him.

Fuck em

In reply to by ijohnb

LV Sports Bettor

March 3rd, 2016 at 5:41 PM ^

Our coach is bigger than the team. He is the main focus when it comes to the Michigan football program not the players............Just the way it is and I love it.


In reply to by ijohnb


March 3rd, 2016 at 7:09 PM ^

ijohnb, take everything you said about pettiness and apply it to Butch, Bret and Dantonio and all the other "IMG - spring break/football" whiners.

All he did was reply to those boobs with a simple yet eloquent comment. Butch SHOULD be dealing with the sex scandals instead of jumping in on Twitter.

As far as what is too much? As long as the team doesn't suffer (i.e. bad games from not being prepared because Harbaugh was out fucking around) then there is no too much. He is having the time of his life coaching and living his life the way he wants to.

You would have a point if it was a "schtik" but it's not. It's how he rolls. He's a jackhammer.

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March 3rd, 2016 at 2:32 PM ^

I think something about how he was going to go to an 'open practice' at IMG for lunch which I'd take as a little rib to Harbaugh. Then Harbaugh turns around and knocks Jones out with the above tweet. Maybe Butch will think twice about poking the bear next time

Pepto Bismol

March 3rd, 2016 at 2:37 PM ^

I was confused as well.  Hadn't heard anything about Butch Jones. Found it on the interwebs:


Bret Bielema tweeted about perhaps watching an open practice at IMG

Dantonio replied and asked if he wanted to do lunch.

Jones replied to them both and asked "Mind if I join you guys for lunch?"