
August 14th, 2015 at 6:57 AM ^

Well, it should be a nice Friday indeed - not expecting anything terribly stressful at work, there are no meetings scheduled insofar as I cared to check anyway and as we have a fair number of people who work 4 10-hour shifts with Friday as their off day, it will be quiet and I can get stuff done. 

This evening, it will be just me - my mother-in-law is keeping the kids overnight and my wife is working, so naturally I will probably mow the lawn and continue the process of cutting down past-peak perennial beds as well as harvesting herbs from the garden. After that, beer and pizza.


August 14th, 2015 at 6:57 AM ^

Happy Friday all! Basically, taking most of the rest of the month off, just a couple of meetings to attend. Going to the Chinese consulate now to re-up my visa, fun times with the Falun Gong ahead. 

KO Stradivarius

August 14th, 2015 at 12:00 PM ^

The image needs to be online, so one that exists only on your hard drive can't be done, it needs to be uploaded to Flickr or the like.  

Once you find the image online, I usually right click and "Copy Image location", "Copy Image URL", etc  Then click on the "Image" icon at the far right on the toolbar in the MGo Comment window and paste it on the URL line.  I usually just click on the next line "Alternative Text" and it will show you how it looks, and you can resize it if necess by changing the Width number, then click OK and enjoy.  To imbed a video from YouTube or elsewhere you copy the Embed code from the YouTube and paste in using plain text editor.  

It's Friday so I've done my good deed for the day.  Now back to our regularly scheduled BANG!

Boner Stabone

August 14th, 2015 at 8:07 AM ^

 Boss decided not to give me a raise for the third year in a row.  However, the butt kissers got their annual raise.  Very disappointing since I work just as hard as they do.  My boss needs to read "Bo's Lasting Lessons".  I may need the Office Space gif in here today.


August 14th, 2015 at 8:08 AM ^

Will be on vacation next week during the bangathon without interweb capabilities so only one more Posbang Friday for me until Harbaughgeddon launches!!!