Danny Kanell Ignorantly Bashing Peppers & Michigan Fans

Submitted by Ricky Spanish on

On Twitter for roughly the past 24 hours Danny Kanell has been recklessly tweeting about Peppers, the diluted urine sample, his Orange Bowl injury, and the intelligence of Michigan fans. I never thought this guy was a clown, until now. 


On Jabrill Peppers intelligence: https://twitter.com/dannykanell/status/856568025562132480

Another tweet on Jabrills urine sample: https://twitter.com/dannykanell/status/856572345288445952

Ripping on Jabrill for being injured and Michigan fans for understanding that their player is injured: https://twitter.com/dannykanell/status/856863696638930945

A tweet from a man named Daniel Jeremiah defending Peppers regarding the Orange Bowl injury: https://twitter.com/MoveTheSticks/status/856853376918839297

and lastly, Kanell being an asshole to Daniel Jeremiah: https://twitter.com/dannykanell/status/856870410578800641


I can't believe ESPN still employs people this rude, and ignorant. Presumably, he has no more facts than any of us but continues to try to put Peppers in the ground. Sad 


April 25th, 2017 at 5:21 PM ^

What do they all have in common? The south, except for Galloway he's just an ass that played for a team that sees themselves as an SEC team the others can't get over the fact they lost the war 150 + years ago


April 25th, 2017 at 12:28 PM ^

I had dinner with an agent from the Agency now repping Peppers (among other now former M players) back in February, who is also best friends with Chris Partridge (from playing at Lafayette). I suggested the 'fake injury' theory -- aka, pulling a McCaffrey -- and was told Peppers was in tears in the tunnel, pregame because he was so upset he couldn't play. For Kannell to ASSERT otherwise is ignorant -- he has NO IDEA. And .....ESPNsucks!!!! Kannell sucks and is just a petty SEC shill ps - intentionally misspelling Danny's name just like he did JABRILL's!


April 25th, 2017 at 12:27 PM ^

Odd, since he was very fair to Jameis Winston when his name was in the news. 


The part that I really take exception to is suggesting that Jabrill was faking his Orange Bowl injury. Really? A guy who played 8 different positions all year against the likes of Hawaii and Rutgers faked an injury in the Orange Bowl in his last chance to play with his brothers, win a big game, and showcase his skills against NFL talent? Really, Danny? After the video of him crying in the locker room after the game? After it was well known the night before the game that he tweaked it in practice that day? Nobody said FSU quarterbacks (or anyone from FSU) were especially bright, but c'mon man. That is just lazy and gross.


April 25th, 2017 at 3:46 PM ^

I don't doubt that SOME of his teammates had doubts. There are over 100 of them, and I imagine some don't think he walks on water. It comes down to this, do we think that one of those players would say something to Biggers or one of the other beat writers, or do we believe that they'd make an offhand remark to Kannel (FSU alum and ESPN personality that they don't know)? I don't know the answer.


April 25th, 2017 at 12:44 PM ^

Saying that Peppers, or Foster for that matter, are attemopting to hide illegal substance use based solely on the fact that their urine sample was diluted is like attempting to charge someone with drug trafficking based solely on the fact that their vehicle is missing its spare tire; sure that is a possible explaination, but it's not the only one, and its just as reasonable, if not more so, to think that perhaps the less nefarious explaination is correct (i.e. they had a flat tire, or  in this case overhydrated).

Also Danny Kanell is the last person who should be attacking someone else's intelligence


April 25th, 2017 at 1:02 PM ^

Foster didn't help your point today by admitting to smoking weed the week of the combine.


But I agree that it is unwise to pontificate on the reason behind Jabrill's diluted sample. Even if he was overhydrated as a result of trying to cover up a substance, and not trying to hydrate through sickness/cramps/double the work of other players, we have no idea what substance it was. Marijuana? Steroids? Literally anything on the list of substances banned by the NFL? Assuming anything in this situation, without an admission by the player, is irresponsible.

Ali G Bomaye

April 25th, 2017 at 12:43 PM ^

Kanell obviously doesn't have any inside info here, he's just attempting to insert himself into the hot take machine.

The way to get trolls to go away is to ignore them. Stirring up a hornet's nest around these comments is only going to encourage him to do something like this again.


April 25th, 2017 at 12:55 PM ^

That dude was a total dick during the combine before we knew about the diluted sample.  Either way, it never ends well arguing with people like that on Twitter.  They will never admit it if they're wrong.


April 25th, 2017 at 1:15 PM ^

I guess I don't understand it when talking heads like Kanell will latch onto a piece of information and, without bothering to research or provide context, create a narrative that is both wrong and debasing. Then, when they are presented with evidence contrary to that narrative, they insist on being proudly, bravely wrong and resent that you tried to stop them. 

But this is ESPN, so I shouldn't be shocked at all. 


April 25th, 2017 at 1:18 PM ^

Frequently people who's careers in broadcasting are languishing will talk out of their ass to get a rise, to try to get clicks, ratings, attention. I never saw Cowturds show before the JH interview, never thought much of him before and think less of him since. His shrill skreeks are unlistenable. Our friend Finebaum is in the same category. Gaining ratings and attention outside of SEC territory by attacking an "outsider". I have still never watched his show. Accidentally saw him during a Fleck interview last year, refuse to tune in to his show or any websites with him involved. Best thing to do with these guys is to allow them their minute of publicity and sink back into their sad irrelevance.


April 25th, 2017 at 1:44 PM ^

I didn't know he did anything outside CFB studio work for espn and avoid espn programming both on radio and tv, but this bullshit is being picked up by Dan Patrick, Colin Cowherd & non-M fans on Twitter. Ranges from chugging water to gain weight to hydration to insinuation of steroids and/or illegal drugs. Utter bullshit that an echo chamber of ignorance is defaming Peppers while Kanell gets undue pub. Fuck him


April 25th, 2017 at 1:51 PM ^

ESPN hires murderers (Ray Lewis) and people who teach young rookies to have a ''scapegoat" (Chris Carter) but Kanell wants to get on a soapbox to talk about a deluted urine sample on espn airwaves?

(yes, i know RL and CC are no longer employed by ESPN)


April 25th, 2017 at 2:34 PM ^

former players are perceived as universally having insight that no one else has. I'd personally not mind in the slightest if Galloway, Kannell, Pollack, Palmer, Desmond, and Mark May were all released from their contracts.


April 25th, 2017 at 2:21 PM ^

The bowl game argument is valid. Accoding to Schefter (UM alum), a number of team's front office personnel have questions and issues with the fact that Jabrill never played in a bowl game. The questions range from trying to protecting his draft stock by not risking injury to was the dilluted test result linked to the games that he sat out. They compared his situation to McCafferty and Fournette's choices. 

I think those issues alone are fair enough. Obviously only Jabrill knows about the test, so there's no point in wasting time worrying about kanell's opinion on that or anything else for that matter. 

1201 S. Main St.

April 25th, 2017 at 4:25 PM ^

Listen, Kanell is a bit of a jackass, everyone knows this, why do you give a shit what he thinks?  Peppers had a diluted sample, it happens.  Does it mean he smoke pot?  No.  Does it mean he didn't? No.  What it means is that he couldn't, by NFL standards, pass a prescheduled drug test, which is the "red flag".  Peppers seems like a great kid with an incredibly bright future, but he is not immune to the media for, really, doing something dumb, which was not passing the combine drug test, plain and simple.  He has a great reason for having a diluted sample, but every athlete there is hydrating a ton, and, while Peppers did do two days of drills, that does not make him immune to testing positive for a diluted sample.  But seriously, people need to stop being surprised and angry when dickhead members of the media make dickhead comments.  I don't need to see tweets or read transcripts of Finebaum or Kanell to know they 1. Bashed Michigan and their fans 2. Are ignorant to anything outside of the SEC or FSU.  3. Stop taking it so personal

1201 S. Main St.

April 26th, 2017 at 1:58 PM ^

I don't really like Kanell, but I don't know why people  or Michigan fans, really care about his opinions.  It's like they listen to him just so they can bitch and complain about what he says.  I'm not taking anything he said/says personally, I don't take what people say on sports blogs personally.  I get annoyed because everyone denfending Peppers is acting as if they know him personally, which I doubt they do. 


April 25th, 2017 at 4:24 PM ^

Kanell is just a symptom of the problem at ESPN. It's easier to have an opinion than to practice journalism. At ESPN, there's an enormous stable of "talent" who know that to get on the air, opinions have to be more controversial than everyone else's in the stable. Gotta get the clicks. Sadly, when ESPN completes its purge in a couple of weeks, what's left will be those who get the most clicks. It will become even more unwatchable. Kanell knows this and doesn't mind the negative attention he's getting over this ridiculous hawttake. Probably figures it's his only chance of keeping his job.


April 25th, 2017 at 4:38 PM ^

From what I've heard, it only takes about a bottle of water per hour to have a dilute sample, and even that such a test rarely reflects recent drug use, if any. Ever since Paramus, Jabrill has had issues with cramping, and even Jourdan acknowledged that on twitter yesterday, and then did essentially twice as many drills as every other player at the combine. I think there is a completely legitimate argument that this shouldn't warrant a 'positive' result and immediate admittance into the NFL drug program, but it's the NFL's standard and I hardly think this will significantly affect Jabrill's stock at the end of the day - if there was ever something scouts will love, it's Jabrill's character.