Chicago Prog. Alert: Harbaugh and Waddle, ESPN 1000

Submitted by This is Michigan on

On my morning commute, I heard ESPN1000 Chicago promoting an event featuring Jim Harbaugh. He will be reuniting with former Chicago Bear teammate, Tom Waddle, alongside his co-host, Marc Silverman.



Jim Harbaugh joins Waddle & Silvy LIVE and in person July 27th!
Live @ChicagoCut starting at 2pm@WaddleandSilvy @TWaddle87
312 329-1800

— ESPN 1000 (@ESPN1000) July 14, 2016





July 20th, 2016 at 12:31 PM ^

Trying to rearrange the work schedule, will be very cool. Not sure if they have the coach from "Chicago's B1G Team" on the calendar as well LOL


July 20th, 2016 at 12:46 PM ^

was a badass, that guy would just get clocked coming across the midddle, over and over and never dropped the ball. I hope his head is okay these days.

03 Blue 07

July 20th, 2016 at 5:16 PM ^

See, I guess everyone has different tastes. I like Waddle a lot, actually. Sometimes Silvy can be annoying, but I like their show. I especially like it when Mark Giangreco and/or Wilbon join them- that's generally usually pretty entertaining radio. Giangreco is absolutely hilarious on the radio- telling stories about things he would never talk about on TV, etc. Both Waddle and Giangreco seem like guys who would be, still, a lot of fun to have a beer or 10 with. 


July 20th, 2016 at 1:09 PM ^

I first heard about this last week. They always seem to get good guests now and then, but Touchdown Tommy Waddle and Harbaugh will be all-time good I thnik. 


July 20th, 2016 at 1:53 PM ^

He was on with them last year during media days as well. It was a really interesting interview.

You could tell Harbs and Waddle still had a lot of mutual respect and had a good relationship when they were teammates. Worth a listen if you can find it.

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03 Blue 07

July 20th, 2016 at 5:21 PM ^

I was listening to it live. And I listen to Waddle and Silvy a lot, and they don't ever really rip Harbaugh at all because he and Waddle have a pretty solid bond. When they were reminiscing about big moments on the radio, you could just hear the wistfulness in their voices-- those two went through the fire, so to speak, by each other's side and you can tell each respects the hell out of the other for the player/man that the other guy was and is. It's actually somewhat heartwarming to listen to. The episode I'm referring to actually aired July 30 of 2015 according to this website: (…) , but I can't find a link of the actual podcast audio. It was excellent and probably the best interview they've ever had (admittedly, I'm biased, but it got Waddle to open up about stuff that he normally brushes off with a joke). 


July 20th, 2016 at 4:57 PM ^


If there be drunken Peru Ball afterwards.  I want to engage my fellow MGoBlog posters in vicious gameplay.

However, I am willing to skip the Peru Ball aspect if we all agree to visit Woody's Flat and burn that ugly scarlet and gray flophouse down to the ground. Or at least make catcalls.


July 20th, 2016 at 5:07 PM ^

As a board member of the UM Alumni Club of Greater Chicago, everyone in the metro area should come out and see Jim & Warde in person next Tuesday evening at our Sports-o-Rama event.

They'll also be honoring Graham Glasgow and Kelly Christner, along with some other great content and a big silent auction. More details are at the registration link, and it all benefits the local UM Scholarship fund.

When: Tuesday, July 26, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Where: Chicago Sports Museum, 835 N. Michigan Ave, 7th Floor of Water Tower Mall, Chicago, IL 60611 (map)

Cost: $40 for Alumni Association Members, $60 for Non-Members,**$20 for kids 13 and under (join the Alumni Association using promo code UNITE)

Registration: To register, click here. You may also register over the phone by calling the Alumni Association at 800.847.4764.