CC: Assistants told to cease contact with recruits

Submitted by lilwolve4 on to 247sports Michigan affiliate, the assistant coaches have been told to cease contact with current commits and any potential recruits. It's being said that they have the opportunity to apply once the new HC is found but in the mean time they are able to search for new jobs. Personally I like that a new HC will bring in an entirely new staff or almost entirely at least. Others may disagree.

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December 3rd, 2014 at 6:09 PM ^

There's a coach in mind negotiating already for the position and they're just not ready to announce it yet. Possibly has no intention to retain any of the current staff.


December 3rd, 2014 at 6:23 PM ^

What is this infatuation with Manning? He had a ridiculous amount of talent and experience in the secondary and complete squandered it. He's a good recruiter, but so was Hoke. Give me a good coach that can develop talent and teach proper technique over a former LB who can recruit but doesn't know how to teach proper coverage.


December 3rd, 2014 at 6:13 PM ^

"We were also able to confirm that the offices of all Michigan assistant coaches have been cleared out, and they have been instructed to no longer recruit players that are and are not committed to the Wolverines at this time."

I knew about Mattison yesterday and his apparent decision to retire, but this is the first I had heard of everyone's office being cleared. It will be interesting to see who, if anyone, ultimately returns, although I have a feeling that this will likely be a totally new-look staff, and perhaps this is as it should be this time around. 


December 3rd, 2014 at 6:15 PM ^

Ohio State manages to hire a second coach who spends his time recruiting, essentially giving Ohio State an extra coach during critical recruiting period.


Michigan tells it coaches to quit talking to recruits.


Serious question,  Does it seem like no one in our athletic department even remotely understands the landscape of college football anymore?


December 3rd, 2014 at 6:23 PM ^

How about the person they are talking to are requesting if they come they have full control of football operations. When they accept, they want to have full decision on who they bring in and who they hire as assistant coaches. I feel this is a strong move in saying whoever they hire or whoever they are talking to will have full control and full autonomy on football operations. 


December 3rd, 2014 at 6:26 PM ^

Dead period is December 15 thru January 14th. I wonder how this will effect recruits that plan on enrolling early(Brian Cole), unless the new coach is hired before the 15th.


December 3rd, 2014 at 6:26 PM ^

Don't want to start a new thread for this but over on Scout board, Beaver claims that one of his sources has a friend close to SF situation that stated Hackett will be making a major move for JH "threw the 49ers". It would be bigger than what we would've thought possible.

He said please put in rumor category at this point given he couldn't validate but jesus call me intrigued!! Lol

What does "threw the 49ers" mean? Cash buyout?


December 3rd, 2014 at 6:33 PM ^

see us agreeing to play Stanford and/or California at Levi's Stadium in the future.  Or even someone else


I would guess a big buyout would be needed since I'm sure Michigan would want Harbaugh to start before the end of the NFL season.


December 3rd, 2014 at 6:28 PM ^

Please keep Fred Jackson, because he knows who the best backs are in the universe immediately. hahaa

Team 101

December 3rd, 2014 at 7:25 PM ^

Most likely these coaches are all going to be let go.  The last thing we want them to do get closer to the recruits, take another job and the take the recuits with them.  We don't have that many left and there is no bowl to go and I think there may even be a dead period coming up so I don't think it is going to make much difference.  Hopefully when we find the new coach he we wow over our commits and decommits and salvage a class.


December 3rd, 2014 at 9:37 PM ^

I'm not sure if this was widely known, but Wellman & Co. also cleaned their offices out. So Michigan, in all likeliness will have a new S&C coach.

Perkis-Size Me

December 3rd, 2014 at 10:29 PM ^

Even if Nuss, Mattison and Co. were allowed to speak with recruits, what can they honestly say to them? All of them are simultaneously faxing out their resumes at this point anyway, or in Mattison's case, likely looking for a retirement nest egg. It'd be one hollow, awkward conversation.

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