Catching up with Marlin Jackson

Submitted by ScruffyTheJanitor on

Don't know if anyone else would want to read this, but it's a nice piece from the Colts website detailing Marlin Jackson's current work with innercity kids


“Not having parents, never knowing my father and my mother having an addiction problem and moving from home to home, those things helped shape and mold me and the game of football was really what stepped in to help give me stability, as far as figuring out who I am and what I stand for as an individual, football and my coaches.”


February 2nd, 2016 at 8:55 AM ^

and Ernest Shazor were two of my favorite Michigan football players growing up as a kid. I still remember the two of them hamming it up for the student section against Purdue in '03. Thanks for posting!


February 2nd, 2016 at 8:59 AM ^

Marlin Jackson is obviously in my top few players ever. When the Colts drafted him I remeber jumping out of my chair and shouting "YES". It sucks that his career had to end due to injuries, but he's always seemed like a great dude. His charity is proof that he "gets it". 


February 2nd, 2016 at 9:03 AM ^

Funny that you bring up Ernie Shazor, I still don't understand why an All-American player that left school after his Junior year didn't get drafted, and only played like two games in the NFL. He had NFL size, besides when he tried to chase Vince Young seemed fast enough for the league, and didn't miss any games for the vague violation of team rules. I bought a draft guide that year and it said he was a 2nd-3rd round pick, yes 10 years ago people bought books instead of looking online. Does anyone know why he didn't get any run in the league?


February 2nd, 2016 at 8:56 AM ^

... nice distraction from all the 'crootin'.


I love that while the article is from the Colts media, the ring he's wearing in his charity's official picture is from MICHIGAN!

Marlin Jackson…

February 2nd, 2016 at 9:33 AM ^

Needless to say, Marlin has always been a favorite of mine. Always such a humble, hard working guy. I will always remember reading an article from when Marlin was being recruited (which is where I got my User Name). Marlin had moved in with his high school football coach because he didn't have anywhere else to live. When the coach asked him what he wanted for Christmas, his answer was "underwear". It always helped me keep things in context when I see people criticize some of these kids, and pass judgement without know the person or the facts. For some people, this decision will help dictate whether they go on to great things, or whether they return to a life where fresh underwear is not a given. Just remember that. Go Blue! Go Marlin, a true Michigan success story!!!


February 2nd, 2016 at 9:37 AM ^

“The Catch” is what propelled Marlin Jackson to hero status in Indianapolis. But it’s the work he’s doing here now that he hopes will be his real legacy.

I was actually one of the lucky people that got to meet and chat with Marlin Jackson at the MGoPatio one time, and he is a very entertaining person...well, in person. 

This was an excellent read, and as much as the person in me who loves football remembers him for that catch in 2006, hopefully he is remembered even more for this work off the field.


February 2nd, 2016 at 9:45 AM ^

I met him last year at his fundraiser/tailgate event and he was incredibly nice. He's doing some really good work down there and also still looks like he could be a Pro Bowler. 

Thanks for sharing. 


February 2nd, 2016 at 9:51 AM ^

That interception is on my Mt. Rushmore of "Plays that made me go from sitting to jumping/screaming without realizing quite how I got there".

1. Jordan Morgan runout dunk vs. Syracuse
2. Henne to Manningham
3. Marlin Jackson Interception
4. Reggie Miller 3 over Jordan Eastern Conference Finals Game 4


Happy to see he's still doing great work to this day.