Bad (coach) Day [another parody video]

Submitted by StateStreetApostle on August 23rd, 2023 at 11:12 PM

Mates (to borrow an XM phrase),

Needed to get this video done before the end of OT season (and the annual deluge of bliss & content that accompanies Week 0).  It took me a while to complete, yes, but shorter than it took for the Cam McGrone (which had its genesis in his "hello" post and its realization just before his "exit" post).

Probably should stick to Gilbert and Sullivan, but had this running in my head even during The Game itself, near the end.  The original is just such a well-written & executed song, seems a pity to do this to it--if you don't know it I urge you to check it out here.  

Thanks for watching--and Go Blue.


August 24th, 2023 at 1:05 PM ^

SSA - with all due respect - and, I don't want to "add" anything to your to-do list.   However, I sincerely hope you feel compelled to add a sequel to your thoughtful work effort on November 26th.


August 24th, 2023 at 3:29 PM ^

Great cut here mate

“When the tickets cost $3250” meme is gold

+ aj hawk was on college gameday and everyone picked o including the dude who dresses like a woke youth pastor in skinny jeans and billow-neck tees beneath velvetine blazers (like Kelvin gemstone) lmao