Arnett Using Commitment Eve to Commit to...All of Them?

Submitted by Swazi on

Ed-M: Six! Six fake commits ah ah ah. Sorry for hijacking this thread, but it's too entertaining not to have it all in one place.

For those just joining us, 4-star WR DeAnthony Arnett has a press conference tomorrow night to announce his school choice. In the meantime, he is having a bit of fun at the expense of fans who follow this stuff way too closely.

Look in the mirror, then look here.

Wherever DeAnthony commits, I give him credit -- this is one of the best roasts of the recruiting nutters that I've ever seen....

He's picking USC:


Wait, no, it's Michigan:


Just kiddin, M. It's Central Michigan:


Aw Hell, It's Tennessee:

]'s Slippery Rock...wait no the 'University of Michigan State':


No no no it's "The University of Cal" (last one):


And then the respective online fanbases get the screen turned around on them.

Thank you DeAnthony and brotherguy for a hilarious night. [/takeover]

Original text:

Not sure if this is him being serious, or him messing around with everyones head again.  Take it for what it's worth.

Phinaeus Gage

November 9th, 2010 at 9:46 PM ^

Did you seriously laugh at either video? It's just dumb. How many ways can I draw attention to myself? Let me count the ways. It's disrespectful to Kiffin which I know that no one has trouble with, but he's also making fun of those players who do choose USC. I doubt he's genuine in his discussion of Michigan, so in a way, he's making fun of those players who are "All In." He's showing lack of respect for the process as well as the people involved. Please young Mr. Arnett, go anywhere but Michigan.


November 9th, 2010 at 10:32 PM ^

Please young Mr. Arnett, go anywhere but Michigan.

You're probably right.  There isn't enough room for both you and DeAnthony around here.  One of you is going to have to leave.

/consults with MGoBoard, Michigan community generally.

Sorry, looks like people would rather have an elite athlete with a good sense of humor than... you know... you.

Nosce Te Ipsum

November 9th, 2010 at 10:40 PM ^

So what you're saying is that you can think what this kid is doing is funny but someone else can't think that it's ridiculous and doesn't want him to come to Michigan? Gotcha.


November 9th, 2010 at 11:04 PM ^

He can think these videos are dumb.  He can think they are self-centered, or outlandish, or simply unfunny.  That's cool.  Comedy is like that; hell, Carrot Top makes a good living as a professional comedian. 

What I take issue with is saying that you don't want the kid to come to Michigan based on his sense of humor.  It takes a special kind of hubris to pass judgment on an 18-year-old kid based on a few tongue-in-cheek videos, and to declare him unfit wear the maize and blue.

Nosce Te Ipsum

November 9th, 2010 at 11:16 PM ^

So you feel as though you can pass judgment and see fit that he wears the maize and blue? After videos that some may not find humorous or even insulting? There is room for both opinions but when people need to reinforce theirs by degrading another person's character that is when you know you need to call the leg warehouse because you don't have anything to stand on.


November 9th, 2010 at 11:34 PM ^

I appreciate the How I Met Your Mother line, but you're still missing the point.

It ISN'T OUR PLACE to judge the kid's character and fitness.  We've never met him.  We're not going to be responsible for coaching, training, and educating him.  He's choosing a college, and the coaches are trying to put together their team based on what THEY are looking for in a group of players. 

Publicly badmouthing an 18-year-old kid's character is sketchy under the best of circumstances.  Doing so based on the perceptions created by a snapshot into the kid's life is just ridiculous.  Besides, RR just today talked about the affect badmouthing has on recruiting. 

Nosce Te Ipsum

November 9th, 2010 at 11:49 PM ^

I appreciate your appreciation for How I Met Your Mother. If someone's assessment of him is solely based on these videos then that is most definitely wrong but sometimes all people can get is a small sample size when in reference to someone's character. I never questioned his fitness. My comment below was more of an idea of his individualism clashing with the team concept that is strictly enforced at Michigan. RR talked about badmouthing the program. If my opinion on this blog sways him then he can say so in one of his millions of videos. He's not shy so I'm sure he would cackle with glee while doing so. I am most definitely taking this too seriously but I really love the team first approach Michigan takes and he seems to be on the opposite side of that from my limited knowledge of him (not just these videos).


November 10th, 2010 at 12:05 AM ^

Can't we draw a distinction between the recruiting process and his efforts as a member of the team?

Sure, right now he's calling attention to himself.  But isn't that GOOD for Michigan?  I want him shouting his commitment to Michigan from the rooftops.  I want a bunch of other recruits to see him very publicly choose Michigan.  I want positive Michigan headlines. 

Once he commits, you don't think he can buy into the team concept?   You don't think RichRod told him about what kind of program he's trying to run, and about the importance he places on team?  Do you think guy who sat Tate for two weeks and took his wings because he didn't work hard enough just forgot to mention it during the recruiting process?  And if he doesn't buy in, do you think RR would hesitate to punish him or kick his ass out?

But above all, why do we need to share our negative opinion of the character of a kid in a public forum, and tell him we don't want him in our club?


November 10th, 2010 at 7:49 AM ^

the videos are harmless and you are out of line, you are welcome to your opinion, just keep it to yourself, you are making inferences about a kid who is just doing something funny. It bears no relation to his work ethic. Seriously, what should people think of you, upset about some humerous videos posted by a recruit and getting all teary-eyed because your opinion isn't welcome when you slam him?


November 10th, 2010 at 1:00 PM ^

him "Dick Rod."  Not DA.  The dialogue doesn't appear scripted in that video.  I seriously doubt that there was a conference before hand where the brother got DA's approval to refer to Rich Rod as "Dick Rod."  Just because the brother threw it out there,doesn't mean we should infer that DA would do the same.


November 10th, 2010 at 8:24 AM ^

it is not like recruiting is some kind of storied, age-old tradition deserving of isn't.

The people involved, aside from the players and coaches (and even then not so much), are not deserving of respect. Do you know what the recruiting process is actually like?

Go DeAnthony.