Hail to the Victors 2019 Update Comment Count

Seth July 1st, 2019 at 5:35 PM

These exist!

In print! In digital! In kindles! If you don't have one yet, you should get on that:

HTTV-Cover 2019 httvki

The versions are slightly different: I had to take out a lot of images to get the Kindle one down to an appropriate size, but we had to cut a bunch of text (sometimes pages of it) for the print edition, and for the Kindle version all of those articles are restored to something like what the author originally sent me. Also the Kindle cover has the title in a different spot. Also it's less likely to end up in the bathroom.

Yes I know your books go in the bathroom. You don't have to pretend. A digital edition will be available from our store, probably by this week. Anyway that's it for people who didn't back the Kickstarter. Go read one of the Hello posts you skipped.

For the Kickstarter folk:

They're Almost Ready for Pickup


If you're a Kickstarter backer who chose one of the pickup options—either Ann Arbor or Royal Oak—you just got an email from me. We are rush-shipping four boxes to me as soon as they're off the presses so I can have copies to you fine folk before the holiday weekend. This was expensive so I don't have a lot extra, but if you've decided all of a sudden that you don't want to wait for the mail for your Kickstarter copy and can be in Royal Oak or Ann Arbor this Wednesday night, email me…soon.

The rest of you are welcome to come. The two pickup joints again on Wednesday, July 3:

Those are map links fyi.

Bring your Kickstarter backer # and an ID so we don't give your book to some stray horse, who just wandered into a bar in Ann Arbor, and convincingly spoke your name, which he guessed at…look just make the logistical thing easier on me k?

So Check Your Order

As with years past I've made an Online Order Checker. I'll update this daily.




After the holiday weekend, we'll begin the process of mailing out the rest of the Kickstarter copies. The printer will pull out enough for the mailing, and the rest go on a truck to our warehouse in Ann Arbor, whence they'll be distributed to shelves and pre-orders fulfilled. The printer is already printing envelopes with mailing labels, and then begins the process of stuffing.

Stuffing is why there's such a long spread between when the first and last books arrive: there are thousands of them, and we need to be correct, and there are only so many books so many employees can stuff in a day. They'll go from there to a mail house, and go out in batches. If you're handicapping, figure the first book goes in the first envelope on the 8th, and the last on the 19th, and then add however long the mail takes. If your address came in after the June 28 deadline, you'll definitely be after the 19th.

We get about 8-10 copies damaged per year. I can't do anything about a bitty bump, but if you get one of these…more hurts

Please let me know.



July 1st, 2019 at 5:45 PM ^


Thank you for all the hard work you and the team have done. Will backers of the physical copy receive a pdf version? I wasn't aware that it was available on Kindle and would like to read on my device.

Best wishes and have a lovely holiday weekend. 


July 1st, 2019 at 10:58 PM ^

have a trip planned in a few weeks with one of the boys.  HTTV will be the perfect airport/airplane reading material, and for the journey when we get there.  i purposefully didn't read the e-link you all sent last week.  thanks for your hard work.  


July 3rd, 2019 at 12:40 PM ^

No. The Kindle edition is the 2019 book except without a lot of images and a lot of text added back to certain articles that got cut down to fit in the print book. The Kindle edition is specifically for people who want to read it on e-readers. The text flows like any other book you would read.