
November 22nd, 2016 at 7:17 PM ^

It is such a weird, awkard situation with the Penn State fanbase.  I don't know how to even understand their way of thinking here.  We get it "Joe didn't do it," but he also didn't do anything about it. 

This feels like if you were to catch your daughter's husband cheating on her, and then after they split you still had him over for burgers and beer.  While all your friends are like "dude, WTF is wrong with you?"

If Penn State could just do the moral thing and erase all things JoePa related it would be okay to respect their entire institution again, IMO.  Take his name from the books, quit with the dedications, honorings, and let the program move on from the entire era; then we could maybe rebuild this "friendship" as opposing fans.  But they won't, and that is so...gross.


November 22nd, 2016 at 9:37 PM ^

"To joyfully and proudly take credit for hurting a defenseless human being is sad, in and of itself."

This is not to say Joe took pride and/or credit; however, his indifference seemly contradicts their intended defense, encapsulated above. If they could merely say somehing of this nature when speaking, if they would, to the known and unknown victims of Joe's buddy. 


November 23rd, 2016 at 9:40 AM ^

We get it "Joe didn't do it"
Ummm... not doing anything about it is just as bad as doing it. Why is it so hard for people these days to comprehend that part of being a decent human being is protecting those who cannot protect themselves?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


November 22nd, 2016 at 9:53 PM ^

I'll bet the little boys that were raped by that piece of shit Jerry Sandusky aren't happy about that either. Joe Paterno turned a blind eye to it, even though he knew about it back in the 70s, which makes him an enabler and abeter, therefor just as guilty. Pedophile State fans are delusional regarding the facts and don't want to face the truth. Fuck them all, and every ignorant, delusional POS that supports their position. And in case my position on the matter isn't clear... fuck you ignorant Pedophile State pieces of are ALL a disgrace to humanity.