September 11th, 2015 at 10:40 AM ^

Sadly, its been happening, on both sides, for a long time. I knew some guys ina  fraternity  who tried to do it back in my day. I know sparty was vandalized when my brother went there ('87 or so). 


I know they try to do stuff to the Diag. 


Its stupid. 


September 11th, 2015 at 11:04 AM ^

The truth is that this is what's great about college kids--they'll do all the stupid stuff we're too old and smart to try to get away with anymore. As long as it's not destructive (A la Harvey Updike @ Toomer's Corner) then there is really no harm in this. If they chiseled the helmet off or something that would be really messed up and not cool. This is pretty good fun IMHO

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September 12th, 2015 at 12:08 AM ^

Isn't this second time this year that the Spartan Statue has gotten vandalize and pained with the block M on it. Don't get why MSU doesn't have cameras near the statue to see who has done it but I know they will never catch person or persons that did this.