Friday Night Drinking and What Was the Worst Job You Ever Had Thread

Submitted by xtramelanin on


Way busy this week, way busy.  Glad to be home now and about to start on an adult beverage or two. It occured to me also that summer time is the time when most people start to get their first 'real' job and that as you look back, some of those jobs you've had were dandies.

So I ask you, what was the worst job you ever had, and what are you drinking tonight to get over it?   And while you're at it, share fun stuff about your weekend plans.




July 24th, 2015 at 10:51 PM ^

Saugatuck Starburst Wheat. Worst Job: Customer Relationship Manager at Bank of America in the heart of the financial meltdown. My job was to find alternative payment methods for homeowners and when I couldn't find any, I had to inform them the next step is foreclosure. On one hand, when I was able to keep people in their homes, there were many tears of joy shared. On the other hand, when I informed someone that we had no finance options for them and the next step was foreclosure, I felt like jumping. F that. Biggest emotional roller coaster of a job I've ever had.


July 24th, 2015 at 10:53 PM ^

Vodka and lots of it. I worked my summers in high school at a pickle factory. Sechler's to be exact. Went home every day smelling and feeling like a dill pickle. Got paid good for a high schooler.


July 24th, 2015 at 10:52 PM ^

I was out collecting money one day and some asshole accused me of looking in his window at his wife. His wife was hideous... and I was 12.


July 24th, 2015 at 10:57 PM ^

I moved to Athens, GA in 1993 with a new B.S. degree in psychology, a work history that included waiting tables and working as a mover, and no job prospects. My brother played bass in one of many locally popular bands and I liked the climate. These were reasons enough for me to move in my early 20's. 

Upon arrival in Athens, I had trouble finding and work and had to take a job through a temp agency working with a crew delivering whatever this small ironworks plant created. When I hired on, they were fabricating 20-30 foot long balcony supports for 2nd and 3rd floor balconies at an assisted living village. Our job was to take the supports off the truck and carry them to their destinations and hold them vertical until they could be bolted into place.

The units under construction were about 200 yards across a muddy field from the access road. The truck was not able to cross the field. It was February in late Georgia, which meant the red clay froze into a rutted doomscape overnight only to melt into a boot grabbing suction trap in the afternoon. Every morning, 4-6 of us would stumble 200 yards across the ruts to deliver the massive iron poles in the morning and then slog through ankle deep mud to do the same in the afternoon. I only stayed on for two weeks.

This job beat out the 80 hour per week salaried methadone counseling position with the medical director who through things at the staff during abusive meetings and the community mental health counselor job where I was not allowed to cut a 12 hour shift short by 3 hours to get home to my family as Hurricane Katrina approached!


July 24th, 2015 at 11:00 PM ^

laying liner at the bottom of the hole for a new section of the dump. Day after day, row after row, layer after layer. Luckily it was in the UP so it wasn't as hot and miserable as it could have been. Still, I thought it was plenty hot and miserable. It was my reward for waiting until July to look for a summer job. Drinking an amber ale from the Duck Rabbit Brewery (beer of the month club birthday gift).

Winchester Wolverine

July 24th, 2015 at 11:20 PM ^

I was once fired for telling a co-worker "Guess who's coming to get you. That's right, the man with the slicked-back hair and the leather jacket. You're dead tomorrow, buddy... Ehh" (in reference to Fonzie)(long story) on facebook. Someone, not the guy I "threatened", reported me the following day. I was pulled into the office, and while trying to explain, I was told the police department was circling the plant, looking for a guy with slicked-back hair and a leather jacket. I was in limbo for 2 months while they sent me to a behavioral health clinic twice a week in order to keep my job. I was later fired. And so was my buddy for his horrifying remark in the cyber conversation which was "watch out for that guy. I heard he's dangerous." Not a horrible job though.


July 25th, 2015 at 12:00 AM ^

the summer I graduated H.S. 1995 was hot as ballz... whatever the temperature outside was... you added 20 degrees on to that inside the sweat box. My dad was buddies with a salesman for the company.. he said son.. I got a job for you... this is to make sure you never want to work in a factory again...


July 25th, 2015 at 12:12 AM ^

And worst job was a summer job as a bobbin sorter in a thread factory in Connecticut. Big bobbins that took thread through the dye process. I was working for a temp agency and filled in for a 50 year old guy that had hurt his back and was out for 2 weeks. I screwed up and did too well. They asked me back for the rest of the summer.

Real Tackles Wear 77

July 25th, 2015 at 12:41 AM ^

Extra large margarita at a Mexican restaurant. Found out after the fact it was national tequila day. Worst job was right after graduating from UM...took the offer for the most money and it didn't go great, but luckily am in a much better place now.

Hill Street Blue

July 25th, 2015 at 1:49 AM ^

Blue Moon, Coors Banquet, various New Holland selections.

Worst job?  Once I had to lay off pretty much all the people on all the teams I was responsible for -- most of whom I had hired or recruited, or promoted -- after the board decided to sell the company in a surprise move.  The severance packages were terrible and those people deserved better. 

New company wanted to keep me on, but I quit; didn't want to be a part of that.  The whole thing sucked.


July 25th, 2015 at 1:30 AM ^

Special Ed parapro, had to wipe teenagers asses. Chase them Around trying to get them to do this thing or that. It sucked, but it got my foot in the door.

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July 25th, 2015 at 1:43 AM ^

Was in high school had to do lunch detail K through 6 for a couple months I did not like it at all clean tables hand out bathroom passes and giving kids snacks if they finished there lunch. I was so glad when that job was done and I realize I didn't want to work in fast food.


July 25th, 2015 at 2:51 AM ^

I've had lots of shitty jobs, from fast food to cleaning poison dust in factories.

I was a chminey sweep for a while.  Fell off a roof doing it.  Fortunately, it was only a one-story building, or my avatar would be Dead-Dog.


Smash Lampjaw

July 25th, 2015 at 8:26 AM ^

Cleaning jail cells at the police station my senior year of high school. Deserved it after totaling 2 cars as the sole driver before I had my license. Scared straight.

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Boner Stabone

July 25th, 2015 at 9:00 AM ^

Worked part time at a grocery store shortly after high school.  The pay sucked and my boss looked like Ray Combs (former Family Fued host back in the day) he thought he was funny and was a total douche canoe.  

The final straw came when I told him I would not be showing up to work on a Saturday, because my sister was playing in the State Championship softball game for her high school and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see her play in that type of setting .  He said I was scheduled to work and that I had to be there.  I told him, I am trying to do the honest thing and be up front with you and that I could have called in sick. 

Needless to say, I did not show up for work and went to my sister's game and do not regret that decision to this day.  I got put on probation at the store, but I quit 2 months later.  



July 25th, 2015 at 12:18 PM ^

Stock boy in the women's wear department at the Ann Arbor K-Mart between my first and second senior year at Michigan (engineering+fraternity took that toll). It's all I could get while spending the summer in A2. At the end of the summer, my boss tried to convince me to stay on and scrap that Michigan engineering thing. Maybe not...

Will be drinking something at a hofbräuhaus in Munich tonight!