Thursday Morning Drinking Thread

Submitted by Optimism Attache on

As we near what I hope is a long weekend for most readers, it's time to pause and consider the world of beverages that get us moving in the morning. For many, it is a typical cup of drip coffee. Others might look to a vodka and OJ to usher them into a patriotic weekend. 

My new obsession is nitro coffee. I wouldn't say I am a coffee snob, but a couple local shops have taken to making iced coffee infused with cream and nitrogen (also some CO2). My god it tastes like caffeine Guinness. But at $5 a pop it is about as expensive as a beer, so remains a rare treat. 

What's in your cup? 

Jack Hammer

July 2nd, 2015 at 7:16 AM ^

Drinking a protein shake and nothing but an enthusiasm unknown to mankind to welcome a glorious Thursday!!!  One more day of work then a 3 day weekend!!!!!


July 2nd, 2015 at 9:50 AM ^

french press with a little bit of real cream and some sweetner as I sit on my lounge chair on Kailua beach, enjoying the gentle breeze coming in off the ocean.


Well, that's my day dream anyway. I usually do Starbucks out of a Jura Capresso sitting in my kitchen. reading the paper on my phone.

Doc Brown

July 2nd, 2015 at 10:55 AM ^

Strawberry smoothie after my morning run. 8 oz milk, 2 tbs vanilla Greek yogurt, 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1 scoop protein powder. Blend for 30 seconds. It is great for muscle recovery.

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July 2nd, 2015 at 11:11 AM ^

I started the day with a nice cup of Folgers 100% Columian.  Currently working on a glass of water at work while I write 3 protocols, analyze data and prepare a client report.  Probably switch to tea or soda for lunch, then back to water until I get off work.