Jack Miller - Concussions NOT the driving factor

Submitted by Everyone Murders on


Angelique Chengelis put up an article this a.m. confirming that Jack Miller left the program due to burnout and to pursue other interests.  We saw this explanation from Miller earlier this week, but ESPN posted a conflicting story saying that fear of concussions was the driving factor.

The main takeaway, for me at least, is that Angelique is about 20x more reliable than ESPN.  the other takeaway is that it's very easy to pull for Miller here - he seems like an honest guy who has a level of self-awareness that's pretty impressive at his age.  As in the earlier story, there's not a trace of bitterness in his words.

"Concussions were really not a factor in this decision. I know it makes for a good headline. ... The story has blown up into this whole thing, because there's not a lot going on in college football right now"


March 28th, 2015 at 10:07 AM ^

but think that in the years to come he will regret quitting.  It's one season, 9 months it would be over.  At this time of year it's a grind but 9 months is nothing.  He has the rest of his life to worry about working.