5 Questions For You

Submitted by XM - Mt 1822 on July 13th, 2023 at 1:17 PM


This place is a band of misfit toys with symbolic 'Christmas' still a long 51 days away. In the meantime, further psychological study needs to be done on you all.  With the help of leading agencies, governmental experts, mental health specialists and a rubick's cube, these 5 questions have been formulated.   You are requested to answer the following:

1.  You live in an area that requires your house to be either maize or blue.  Which one do you pick? 

2.  The best people watching is done at an airport, a stadium, a concert or [fill in the blank]?  Why? 

3.  What does a man do on two legs, a dog do on 3 legs, and a woman sitting down? 

4.  *Who do you pick to win a fight:  Ditka, or a hurricane, but the hurricane is named Ditka? 

5.   Name the best qualities of your significant other.  

Your responses will be compiled, pie charts will be produced, and psychologists all over the world will be frightened.


*Credit to mgobrother L'Carpeton Dookmarriot who posed this question in Alex's thread.  It is an important topic that needs to be discussed.


July 13th, 2023 at 3:57 PM ^

1. Maize in the hopes that it will bleach out a bit with age (but I prefer white with black shutters).

2. Boat launch ramp at day's end as the drunks and their "crew" try to get home. I can sit at a ramp for hours, in the shade, and watch that show while silently wondering how civilization will ever survive. 

3. Formally greet someone - as in shake hands.

4. Prolly the hurricane.

5. She values me, our partnership, our children, has my back at all times, is beautiful (inside and out), has a slightly warped sense of humor, is honest, apologizes when necessary, accepts my apologies as appropriate, etc.


July 13th, 2023 at 4:02 PM ^

1.  Blue.  No one wants to live in a yellow house

2.  County Fairs.  Have you seen the people who go to country fairs?  


4.  Jack Bauer

5.   She's an amazing mother, she's always offers to help others, and she has an amazing rack.

XM - Mt 1822

July 13th, 2023 at 4:20 PM ^

we temporarily interrupt this thread for a few comments.  spoiler alert for new entrants.  look away. 

a.) there are a ton of you that are funny and/or clever.  great answers all over this thread. 

b.)  it is truly uplifting to see how many of you commented on your significant other with some outstanding character traits mentioned.  great stuff. 

c.) the correct answer to the riddle is 'shake hands'  FL got it first, a few others after, such as HB.  the rest of you are so uncultured....

Wally Llama

July 13th, 2023 at 4:22 PM ^

Firstly, it's Rubik's Cube. Mr. Erno Rubik would like a word with you....

  1. Blue. I'd actually choose that color over most any other.
  2. Airport. Fun to imagine the backstories with so much variety. Who are they? Where are they going? Why are they going there? In a hurry or leisurely strolling?
  3. Peeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (Except our female dog, who squats on 4.)
  4. Ditka. It's a draw until things go extratropical, then Hurricane Ditka just loses its strength.
  5. Patient, passionate about kids, smart and has aged very well.

Slim Whitman

July 13th, 2023 at 4:45 PM ^


Driving the speed limit in the left lane.  People get so animated!


Mrs. Ditka, once she stands up

Her complete agreement and cooperation and support of everything I want to do.. Also her lack of corporeal existence.


July 13th, 2023 at 5:40 PM ^

1. Blue is my favorite color. So I would select an area where I determine the color of my house, and everybody else can kiss my ass. And I’m in a historical village by the way, and stand on my comments.
2. Airport. There are consequences for straying from convention.

3. Quiver

4. A hurricane named Halas.

5. she makes me a better man. 


Team 101

July 13th, 2023 at 6:50 PM ^

1.  You live in an area that requires your house to be either maize or blue.  Which one do you pick?  Blue

2.  The best people watching is done at an airport, a stadium, a concert or [fill in the blank]?  Why? Mackinac Island - I love watching people get off the boat and ready to head off for their experience.

3.  What does a man do on two legs, a dog do on 3 legs, and a woman sitting down?  Pee

4.  *Who do you pick to win a fight:  Ditka, or a hurricane, but the hurricane is named Ditka?  Ditka

5.   Name the best qualities of your significant other.  She puts up with me.

Picktown GoBlue

July 13th, 2023 at 8:04 PM ^

1. Blue - had it painted that color here in central Ohio a few months ago.

2. Airport for sure

3. Yap yap yap

4. Diktka

5. Tolerates Michigan football obsession, and gets me Michigan merch.


July 13th, 2023 at 9:30 PM ^

1.  Blue

2.  Airport, but not just any airport.  I can tell you that people watching at the Kansas City airport is a yawner.  But Atlanta?  Dallas?  Chicago?  Portland?  Fantastic.  The sheer variety present in the human race boggles the mind.

3.  You gave the answer already (shake hands).

4. Eh.  Harbaugh.

5.  We're completely different.  I taught our children reading, algebra, history, geography, biology, and music.  He taught them to tie their shoes, to drive a tractor, welding, how to lay a concrete floor, drywall finishing, and vehicle maintenance.  Among other things.  We have one son and three daughters, and they are badass, thanks largely to him.

EDIT:  Wait.  I'm changing my answer to #4.  Sainristil.  When that guy wants to win, he wins.


double blue

July 13th, 2023 at 9:33 PM ^

If you’re a turtle you know the answer to #3. It was part of the initiation. 

Who else here is a turtle or remembers turtles?


July 13th, 2023 at 9:45 PM ^

1) Blue.  Or if the houses on both sides of be are blue, Maize.

2) Wal-Mart, for sure.  Airports as a 2nd.

3) Shake hands.

4) Ditka.

5) Her tender heart for sure.  She wants to sell everything we own and cash out our retirement to have a home for kids that can't be adopted and stray dogs. 


July 13th, 2023 at 10:21 PM ^

1. Maize and Blue. Forcing people to choose is reprehensible. 
2. Anywhere that works for someone.
3. Puking/peeing/pooping on OSU memorabilia (in the privacy of their own domicile because I'm hoping the Serial Pooper isn't a Michigan fan).
4. Chuck Norris.
5. No one's that stupid and/or lacks all self-respect.


July 14th, 2023 at 12:16 AM ^

1. Blue, I prefer my house to blend in a little better with nature and not be that noticeable 

2. Airport, it just has “that” feeling, ya know, for sure see people’s true personality as there is no “cult of personality” that exists at every concert and sporting event…..Especially if you have a long layover, the others are also too hectic and feel more crowded. 

3. Uses the bathroom. I didn’t have time for a snarkier answer 

4. Definitely human Ditka

5. Thoughtful, beautiful, consistent, persistent, best momma. 

St Joe Blues

July 14th, 2023 at 8:39 AM ^

1-4 have been answered well enough by others.

5. Funny story – my two oldest daughters arrived late last night on their way from Milwaukee to a wedding Fri night in Saline. Daughter #2 is in the process of moving to Milwaukee from rural MN where she lived near my younger brother. I have a combined 10 siblings after two widowed parents remarried, and there are a lot of examples of parenting. My brother, who got married later in life, has the youngest of all the nieces and nephews. He did a rating of all the parenting styles of all my siblings, and talked about who he and his wife modeled themselves after. “Your Uncle #1 was way too strict. Your Uncle #2 didn’t care how his kids were raised, and you see how that turned out… Your parents by far did the best job. When you were younger, you and your siblings would actually say good night and give everyone a hug a kiss before going to bed. Who does that? It’s awesome!” Daughter #2 says “Used to? I still do that when I’m home (she’s 26 and pregnant with our first grandchild and still got up at 6 am to snuggle with me while I was reading my morning devotion).”

This is all due to my wife. She’s the temper to my temper. She’s the oil on the stormy seas that I create. I’m made for conflict and thrive in it. She’s the one who makes sure that I’m still somewhat likable. Our kids are as beautiful as they are because they have her as a mother. She’s a stunning example of a Proverbs 31 woman. I am truly blessed.