Thank You

Submitted by TomVH on
You all had created a Thank You post to me, and I wanted to reciprocate that. I was reading a couple message boards on other websites, and was turned off by the lack of accountability. A lot of the posts said one thing one minute, then contradicted it the next. I don't want to get into specifics, because I'm not trying to point fingers or call names. But, there seems to be a lack of accountability on what other sites post, and there's an over abdundance of "safe" comments that really in the grand scheme of things means nothing either way. So my Thank You is to everyone that has added value to this site, with comments or posts based on fact and analytical responses. Thank you for keeping us accountable for the information we give you. I think one of the aspects that makes this site great is that everyone contributes, and everyone really has something to add. It was just bothering me with some posts I saw on other sites that were negative towards us, and now are changing their story to go along with some things we had reported. So thank you.


December 1st, 2008 at 4:28 PM ^

it's you guys who make us feel like we should hold each other accountable here. every other site i check about michigan football is like pure chaos. this is the most organized, insightful, well thought out place to find anything and everything about Michigan football. It's why, as VAWolverine said, MgoBlog is the leader and the best for info about Michigan. Great work Tom and Brian! I truly appreciate your efforts.


December 1st, 2008 at 10:59 PM ^

This blog is great because you know that if you bring it, it better be good. Thanks everyone for giving me an outlet. We have two girls: a 3 year old and a 3 month old....I need the manliness that MGoBlog represents...most of the time. Keep up the good work Brian and Tom and all who contribute regularly. I confess that I am now one of those guys who looks forward to a recruits decision then later says to myself, "Why the heck do I care about what a 17 year old kid wants in a college?" My answer is that because he may wear the next number 1!! Oh UofM football, that thing you do....


December 1st, 2008 at 11:05 PM ^

You should talk to my fiance. When a recruit is about to commit, and I freak out, and try to figure out what's going on in the head of a 17 year old kid. I analyze every situation that could happen out loud, and usually to her, even though she has no idea what I'm talking about. All she knows is that I'm thinking about 17 year old guys all the time, which is pretty awkward.