OT: 3-D films and TV- Please stop.

Submitted by wolverine1987 on

I am not a luddite: I love gadgets of all kinds, I read geeky stereo and TV sites to look for the best technology, and I own all kinds of tech. But for God's sake, can we please stop the 3-D train for films, and especially, TV? While I was impressed by Avatar and Toy Story 3, IMO they would have been just as good without the need to wear glasses. And some films (Clash of the Titans anyone?) were not just bad films, they were painful to watch in 3-D. After seeing at least 5 3-D films, I have concluded that I think I actually prefer 2-D to 3-D, and would not care one bit if 3-D disappeared completely from the scene. And that doesn't even contemplate the horrors of a world with 3-D television, where I have to wear weird goggles in my own house, or the fact 3-D films have an absurd premium, making going to the movies even more expensive. Am I alone in this?

Crime Reporter

July 15th, 2010 at 2:09 PM ^

I saw one of the animated movies in 3D, and I had a headache afterward.

I don't really understand the furor over 3D TV's. The glasses alone cost more than $100.


July 15th, 2010 at 2:36 PM ^

I did my undergrad in physics and my first few years at michigan I did research in nonlinear optics. I am absolutelty amazed at the advances in optical physics, particularly the use of polarized optics to create the illusion of multidimensional images.


July 15th, 2010 at 3:56 PM ^

I completely agree. I have seen 5 films in 3-D and none of them were worth wearing awkward glasses and paying $3 extra per person to see the movie. At first the idea of 3-D is awesome. When you actually see a movie in 3-D however you are not as pleased as you thought you would be. Some people think they are worth it however. So IMO if they are going to make 3-D movies go ahead, just make a 2-D version too for people that are not willing to pay $11.50 for a not so awesome 3-D version.


July 15th, 2010 at 3:57 PM ^

People do realize that the same 3D that was done for Avatar in the movie theaters can be done on a standard TV, right?

The leap in performance between 3D TVs and 3D that can be formatted on existing sets might as well be the difference between 1080p and 1081i.

Is it better technology? Yes.  Is it worth the money? No.

Steve in PA

July 15th, 2010 at 4:08 PM ^

I am however getting jazzed for 3d sporting events in HD.  With a good surround sound system and quality TV Saturday and Thursday night could get much much better.  I won't be buying one of these 1st generation sets though.