Numbness to GameDay misogyny

Submitted by 950_Blue on

While at a bar watching Gameday before the Cincinnati game, a female friend of mine commented on the requisite 'Ann Arbor is a whore' sign bobbing up and down in the background. As an 18 year old freshman male, I must confess I found these signs and t-shirts fairly funny, and figured Michigan must be doing something right to get so much attention. In turn, I bought a few of my own that jabbed at the usual suspects while en route to Michigan Stadium and Crisler, and was easily acculturated to yelling about how it was 'all their fault' at Yost.

As a 36 year old, I'm ashamed to say the misogynistic quality of that sign, though similar to several others each week televised on national television, was still lost on me. Male sporting events are no doubt a remaining bastion for easy bigotry and sexism, but they can also be a place for Michigan to lead by example. These signs, t-shirts, and chants aren't ironic, they're not witty, and here's hoping the next generation of Michigan Men and Women uphold a more advanced sense of social awareness than mine did. Perhaps we can listen more closely to the lyrics of another common ritual at every game and show how we really are the Leaders and Best.


September 11th, 2017 at 6:17 AM ^

Your last paragraph assumes that its just as easy for a man to  try and sleep with a woman as it is vice versa. This is of course what everyone ignores when making the point you make. 

Anyone with a functioning brain and social skills knows that any average woman could go out and sleep with a variety guys (and punch above her weight no doubt!) on any night with very little effort. Meanwhile, you could be in the top 1% of men in any given location and still have to put in the work to do the same thing. 

Its like saying dunking a 7 foot person dunking on an 8 foot rim is as impressive as dunking on a 5 foot person dunking on a 10 foot rim without acknowledgin the differences in the individual and circumstances. 

But I suppose its sexist to note reality. 

Chuck Norris

September 11th, 2017 at 8:13 AM ^

I fail to see your point.

To use your metaphor, why should a 7 foot person dunking on an 8 foot rim be considered bad? Just because it's "easier" to sleep with someone that you want to sleep with doesn't mean that it's bad to sleep with them.

In your metaphor, did everyone call Shaq insulting names every time he dunked the ball, because it was easier for him to dunk than Kobe? No, they didn't. Because everyone agreed that dunking was a good thing, no matter how hard it was.


September 11th, 2017 at 10:27 AM ^

You're right and I'm wrong. I was arguing a point you didn't make, that the negativity associated with female promiscuity is almost always brought up in tandem with positivity and male promisicuity (you'll hear some form of "why are women sluts, but men players" or something along those lines).

That's more what my post was about: that there is nothing impressive about a promiscuous woman, because just about any woman can be promiscuous without much effort, so why would there necessarily be any sort of admiration for that? I.e. why would anyone think "Whoa, that's awesome!" watching a 7-footer dunk on an 8 foot rim? 



September 11th, 2017 at 1:18 AM ^

WTF does saying that ann-arbor was a promiscous woman who charged for sex have to do with the opression of women? Are you suggesting that women aren't as capable as men because someone called Ann Arbor a whore? That's some sexist shit right there.


September 11th, 2017 at 11:11 AM ^

There are two mountain climbers.

One mountain climber (majority group) suddenly turns and hurls the other mountain climber (minority group) off of the mountain. The majority group mountain climber goes on climbing while the minority group mountain climber is in a broken heap at the bottom of the mountain. 

Hundreds of years go by, and a new mountain climber appears (modern majority group) and sees the minority mountain climber, badly wounded and scarred, far down the mountain trying to climb back up, so they stop and lower a rope along with medical supplies and better climbing gear and a hoist to try to raise them up so they are at equal points on the mountain.

In that scenario, no one would accuse the mountain climber who has been thrown off of a cliff of being weak because they were thrown off a fucking cliff. It's not patronizing to send them medical supplies and assistance. It's the same with groups we have figuratively thrown off of the societal cliff. 


September 11th, 2017 at 12:28 AM ^

Unlikely.  Society is clearly going in the other direction.  American society in general appears to be getting away from the implied courtesies of yesteryear as everyone pushes the boundaries of freedom and accountability to the limits.

30 years ago children learned courtesy by almost always being held accountable for their behavior.  Nowadays accountability is out the window.  Children (and adults) endlessly troll each other on social media or through the anonymous comfort of their avatars, as witnessed, even here on MGoBlog.  

These new generations weaned on social media/internet trolling, lack of accountability IMO bode very poorly for the future of expected courtesy and decorum.


September 11th, 2017 at 12:29 AM ^

You mean like it now being illegal to use pronouns people don't like or how stating facts is considered agression if you are less disparaged than the others in the conversation? I'm not sure you actually know what is happening in society right now. We're going so "pc" that it's about to start bordering on authoritarianism.


September 11th, 2017 at 12:55 AM ^

What in that post are you arguing?! He made good points. The "pc craze" can be silly at times but also makes sense in plenty circumstances. Standing up and arguing against things that are commonplace but shouldn't be isn't a silly's natural evolution via good people. Throwing around "gay" and "retard" is quite ridiculous and it isn't "jeez, pc police" worthy, it's morally right to stop such language.


September 11th, 2017 at 1:22 AM ^

I'm not going to go into the issues behind why making speech unnecessarily illegal to protect the feelings of weak willed individuals is a slippery and dangerous slope for any society. I feel like any high school history or government class should've probably arleady covered that for you.


September 11th, 2017 at 9:10 AM ^

Lol. Well obviously everything needs to be watered down for some people. 

Here goes: A "snowflake" in our modern culture is defined as someone overly sensitive, who is easily triggered into feelings of anger/insecurity/discomfort by ideas or actions that run counter to your worldview. 

That's exactly what PapaBearBlue is. He's very, very sensitive to any ideas that run counter to his world view on sexism and is very upset that they've come into his "safe space" meant to discuss sports. 

Humor is typically, on some level, derived from irony. This is funny because PapaBear is the type to want to label others as a snowflake but he actually displays very similar behavior. Thou who dost protest too much, etc. 

It started as an insult directed towards liberals from conservatives, sure, but in reality it's a partisan neutral term. Conservatives exhibit "snowflake behavior" at least as often as liberals. For instance: "OMG These plain red Starbucks cups are so offensive to me!!! There's a war on Christmas!!!"


September 11th, 2017 at 9:45 AM ^

I actually don't label anyone as snowflake. But here you are again going around claiming that I'm doing shit I'm not. What is up with you man? You have literally followed me around claiming that I'm saying shit I'm not and claiming that I behave some way that I have provided literally zero proof of. Other than to disagree that calling an arbor a whore is sexist, which is obviously not something I'm alone on feeling given the amount of other similar responses in this topic.


September 11th, 2017 at 9:59 AM ^

a) No, to your credit, you never used that word (snowflake)

b) you denied the possibility that you could ever be a snowflake all while....

c) exhibiting snowflake behavior

d) snowflake can apply to Cons, Libs, Dems, Repubs, Independents, Green Partiers, Constitutionalists, my mom, your mom, etc.


September 11th, 2017 at 11:09 AM ^

you are correct.  Everyone has their own "snowflake" subject that they get unecessarily or overly worked up about.  It's OK.  We're all falliable humans.  The best thing is to not ridicule or minimize people over their fears/worries or minimize their worries (p.s. im not saying you're doing that).  A little heart and understanding goes a long way.


September 11th, 2017 at 10:22 AM ^

Only if you are into some serious projection. I'm merely having a conversation. The assumption that I'm angered, upset, or anything like that is a bit ridiculous and rather baseless. But good job "roasting" yourself there hoss.


September 11th, 2017 at 11:15 AM ^

you're commenting all over this thread clearly and are coming off as little perturbed/triggered.  Maybe you're not, and that's fine.  I don't care either way.  I'm just saying you are coming off that way to pretty much everyone reading.


September 11th, 2017 at 3:22 PM ^

Man, he just has an opinion that is at odds with some on this board. He hasn't really lost his cool, but has bristled a couple times when personally atacked. The whole snowflake narrative is just a distraction. And the guy calling him "honey" was, i think, more ironic in that than anything.


The bottom line is that identity politics is a huge hot button in this country right now, and while I'm incredibly surprised that the mods haven't nuked this thread, this is by far one of the more intelligent dialogues on the subject that I've come across on any internet message board. The only posters I would really label as having been triggered/snowflakey (if I truly had to) would be those who called for the ban hammer.


September 11th, 2017 at 12:59 AM ^

This push toward a PC culture IMO is the overreaction to this trending lack of decorum. Empowered through social media, a lack of accountability and a 24 hour "news" media spewing constant partisan vitriol for clicks and ratings, could it be that society's sensitivity and tolerance is so frayed it cannot help but react in such a polarized way, ignoring facts or context?

There is just too much noise nowadays, most of it not good.